Ignoring the download fees for the moment, the real kick in the pants will be the cost of the special PSV memory stick that is large enough to hold all your old PSP games in addition to PSV stuff. Remember: ($124 for 32GB).
Ignoring the download fees for the moment, the real kick in the pants will be the cost of the special PSV memory stick that is large enough to hold all your old PSP games in addition to PSV stuff. Remember: ($124 for 32GB).
The same could be said of all major releases. You always see, before a game (say game x) is released, comments like "game x is better than game y because it is more immersive or (insert proposed better feature here)." Unless those gamers pirated the game, they are talking out their arse. Of course, opinions on more…
Nope, I'm right there with you. I only recognized 4 (musicians + Mr. Courtney Cox) until I read "Tiffani Thiessen" in the article in order to put another name to a face.
The only time when you have played a great game enough is when you pass on. Honestly I think I have played through ALTTP once every 3 years on average. It's very easy to speed run a complete game in under two days (would say 1 day, but I do not always have enough time available on a given day to get through the whole…
Unfortunately the earlier releases came during the time the Ultima series was still going. As they were my first Western designed RPGs (and back in those days all game purchases were done by my brother) I never embraced the Elder Scrolls series like others have. Maybe Skyrim could change this now that there are no…
I knew there was a good choking joke in there somewhere. Bravo sir!
Hard to say as some overlap such as the "collector" and the "retro gamer" in my eyes. I'm probably a mix of collector, retro gamer, importer, and clown. I have never sold a game in my life (usually buy on the cheap games I am certain I will like, or which are cheap enough not to affect my finances). I'm definitely a…
Sure thing. I use the same handle I have on here.
I might be interested. Just have a quick question on what you mean by a classic game design, or rather a classic shooter. Do you mean make something like a really old school, top down shooter design with 8-16bit art design or do you mean retro game design philosophy?
As great as those news stories are, let's not forget that today marks the 40th anniversary of Led Zeppelin's fourth, untitled album.
Almost thought you meant Reyes was gone today. Well, at least you do not have to root for the Cubs.
To get around the technical limitations of the Wii U console, I wouldn't mind the tablet becoming the pseudo-system and making it work on a PC. Kind of like Kinect being able to work on the 360 and PC (plus the PC with that Asus equivalent to Kinect). Keep the Wii U console cheap, but limit it to one tablet…
When you put it like that, it makes it sound like the "Loop" will end up being a giant beta test for Windows 9 (even thought it's a modified version).
It's quite the no brainer to me as well. Unless that PS3 or 360 is gold plated or some one of a kind deal.
No idea what they made it with to be honest. They(he) could have wrote the engine code from scratch for all I know. All I know is I like the end result ;)
Unfortunately for the Tigers, I just do not think they have the money. Then again, their owner is not too far behind Al Davis and might want to make a big push to win it all next season.
I think he has the stuff, but he is going to need better support (looking at a 2nd baseman/better leadoff hitter primarily).
I have not picked UC3 up yet, so I am wondering if maybe some of these areas exhibiting a spike in difficulty is due to strategy. What I mean is, maybe there is an implicit strategy that you have to adhere to that the game never explicitly tells you to carry out, and that nearly every other strategy is doomed to…
I agree. I've actually always found the design of some football padding to add to the possibility of injury, as opposed to preventing injuries. I think it has to do with using the all the hard shelled padding (shoulder pads and helmets) that rugby players do not sport. Harder surfaces for harder hits, and less…