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A local radio station has already switched over to playing all X-mas music. They just start earlier and earlier it seems. Or maybe I am just behind the times. Guess I could try to join in and get in the holiday mood with one of my favorite holiday tunes.

If you bothered to put the money into building a gaming rig, you have to buy games for it to justify the build. Not that a 360 costs nothing, but if you put all that money into making a beefy PC for gaming (as opposed to gaming in addition resource intensive things like professional video editing and the like) you

That's absolutely perfect! So natural looking.

I would definitely check them out. Decent interest rates too.

If you really want to get pissed off, you should try those penny auctions like the one advertised on ESPN (SkoreIt)! A different fish from eBay, I know, but they just seem more scam than bargain.

Funny you should mention Chase, because I dropped them last year. Out of nowhere they started charging a minimum savings account fee (most of my money was in checking). Had a similar problem to your dispute with BOA on getting the fees waived. Didn't want to deal with minimum balance fees and the like (*cough*

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As for non-gaming, I liked their rendition of a Yuki Kajiura classic.

Love that song, but most of the payoff is in the intro. Very visual song too as I can just see the scenes in the game that go with the song whenever I hear it.

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Not quite full orchestra (stripped down set actually), but I love what Eminence did with Seiken Densetsu 2's "Meridian Dance"

21 brings back bad memories of co-op on hard. That was the only scenario we failed to finish on the first try. I think it must have taken at least 10 tries to be that stage.

I went with a hard case from Hori with my PSP-3000, with a clear-gel wrap on this system itself. I will probably go for the same combo with the PSV. It may not be attractive, but it's effective.

Just had to say, that is totally bad ass! Would make an excellent poster.

I was surprised to see the store when I went to Japan. Jokingly, my brother and I were wondering if they carried pedobear condoms as there is a mascot that looked markedly like pedobear and would have been hilarious (sick, but hilarious). Sadly (thankfully?), they did not carry any. Really crazy store though.

To date, no game has been a better soundboard for the bedroom than NBA Jam. And that is what I remember best about my copy of NBA Jam 93 for the Sega Genesis.

As others have said, I think the uproar (if it can be called that) has more to do with the review scale than the content of the review. If none of the words within the review changed, but the actual score was in the 9-10 range, I highly doubt you would see as many complaints.

That is awesome. I know in the grand scheme of things they aren't one of the best things to eat, but I cannot help but enjoy them and their novelty. As for the sauce, I was just curious if they changed up the sauce to regional favorites (east vs west Carolina BBQ, K. City BBQ, etc.)

I have but two questions: do you have the McRib, and if so, what kind of BBQ sauce does your particular location put on it?

I swear Eurogamer never gives games scores above 90 (I'm exaggerating of course).

Sounds more like a dig against shoehorning boss fights into FPS/TPS than boss fights in general. If that's the case, than I would have to agree. They tend to break up the general pace of a FPS/TPS and can seem out of place. Deus Ex: HR was a good game to reference.