Let's see, I think the two best punch lines to that were along the lines of "that was easier to get into than I thought" and "let go of my floppy." 1 Brad and 1 Colin. I think I watched too much Whose Line back in the day.
Let's see, I think the two best punch lines to that were along the lines of "that was easier to get into than I thought" and "let go of my floppy." 1 Brad and 1 Colin. I think I watched too much Whose Line back in the day.
Certainly much better than the first Persona animation, though that could be because it is following the P4 story we know.
Funny thing is, I was rooting for the Rangers last year after we didn't make it.
Very happy man right now. Tigers took down the evil empire (Yankees)! Hopefully we can let Verlander pitch two games (if necessary) against the Rangers (damn you rain delay!)
Bathroom graffiti is not only art, but wisdom too.
This seems unreal to me. I had to look at multiple news sources before I believed it. This is the second shocking passing to me this year (the other was a local beat writer who passed just hours after his last tweet).
Yeah, banks are starting to charge the $5/month for a debit but even worse is that now there is a surcharge for using your debit card to pay for gasoline (think it was $3-$5 at a local BP station). Guess the financial guys are right and everyone in the US should just switch to using a credit card and immediately pay…
There are two interrelated forms of linearity that the complaints I see span across: linearity of individual level/zone design (hold the stick to the right to complete the level, or the corridor effect) and linearity of the overall game design (this is tied to complaints on a lack of varied game play and side quests).
Hope it's not necessary. I want to stick with the two-handed grip & dual wielding I strictly used in Demon's souls.
Exactly how I feel. I mean for cripes sake, Omega is a staple of the franchise. How can you just take that out of the game and make it a pre-order bonus? I'm sure SE will offer it as dlc (charged or otherwise) somewhere down the line, but it's the principle of the matter.
Unfortunately my wallet cannot take any more full priced games at the moment (used the money to buy games I expect to be limited or relatively limited prints). Really want to pick up Rage, Dark Souls, and UC3 though.
This. Also "Undersea Palace"
Hopefully I can polish off Twilight Princess after years of being separated from my copy; then settle down with Solatorobo.
The multi-platform clause is what makes the question interesting. In our OP's scenario total sales across all platforms is not affected, but individual platform sales would be. A good example of a consequence I've read in the comments is that the loss of that potential sale on the pirated platform could alter the…
I kind of have to agree with Rob Parker for once. Reyes is good, no question, but bunting and taking himself out of the game to preserve his lead was a little weak. If he ended up tied with Braun (0-4 tonight), I would go with Braun over Reyes in the NL.
Silence is golden. I'm old school and prefer the good old keyboard if you need to communicate, or at most, a soundboard or built in audio clips. Plus I just hate the sound of my voice over a mic.
For the sake of others, I hope that is the case with P2-1. I still remember a few years back when Atlus ran a limited reprint of the PS1 P2-2 which sold out minutes after it was announced. (For those reading and wondering what P2-1 and P2-2 are, I am just using a shorthand for the two Persona 2 games that were…
The end of this month has two releases that will probably be a limited print. One is Persona 2 PSP, which I remembered to pick up. The other is Solatorobo which drops tomorrow (9/27), which I would have completely forgot if I didn't see that XSEED developer blog. Hopefully these two titles haven't slipped people's…
Not really. I mean, I have stuff that you get from preorders that are a little bulky like the plushie from Devil Summoner 2, but nothing is on display. I guess one could say the art books and official design materials books I have on my shelf are something, but they are not prominently displayed or anything.
Personally, I prefer the original gold filter. It just gives it a different feel. Gold/yellow is also the general hue I see in my mind when waxing nostalgic (notice that some movies will use such a technique to show a flashback). It just makes me feel good.