
Only reason I am slightly for this is because of those rat bastard TSA workers that stole about $300 worth of games from me that were stored in my locked luggage(and no, I did not have enough room to put them in my carry-on as I was moving...also never had an experience like it before to make me think to send them

I still have that problem with the location of the PSP power slider. Only difference is that my resting finger (actually base of the index finger) has succeeded in shutting off the system during play on a few occasions.

I'm listening to the Xenoblade OST "To the Last Battle" while trying to relearn calculus after 8 years, and "wired life" by Meisa Kuroki plus some Nirgilis while programming.

That's how I felt and was the reason I would have 20+ saves on some games, just so I could see a particular cutscene.

Yeah, it was just the wording of the article that through me off. 1up's version of the story made the same offline play suggestion that I, along with others, have made.

I haven't been keeping up with my Dark Souls news, but does this mean you cannot play the game without an internet connection? I know you could always play offline in Demon's Souls if you didn't want to deal with pvp Phantoms.

What you are experiencing with BBS is exactly how I felt. I did not chalk it up to boredom. I personally chalked up my feelings to all the (many) extra layers of fluff plopped on top of the main game. Fluff here meaning things that were extra that I did not feel added to the experience, but just lengthened the play

They all count, if you are just talking about what helps form the story of the Kingdom Hearts Universe. I would say he has to respect his gf's opinion of the DS games, even if he thinks they are crap. I actually thought the PSP KH he praised was a pretty average game (the first KH title I could not will myself to

If that is your team, you sir are a trooper. Then again, I'm a Lions fan so I have no sympathy. Thankfully I can usually get over it with the RedWings, and this year the Tigers (until an untimely exit from the playoffs).

There, there. You could have the pain of being a Mets fan at this point in the season instead.

So true. You almost have to have a Masters, or dual Bachelors (depending on field) to be competitive if you do not have a direct line to a job.

I swear it was only possible on 1 map (probably not). And all railroads and no roads for cars (ah gaming logic!)

Correction: Californians, New Yorkers, and Floridians sue for the littlest, stupid reasons (sorry to all gamers from these states). Leave the rest of us out of it! Heck, I remember years ago when out of nowhere my PayPal account was hacked (which I maybe used once... PayPal security sucks) and I cancelled the payment

Are we sure he didn't get the statue for raising the population beyond 500,000?

Funny because it was unexpected, and most likely(hopefully) unintentional. Had to do a double take when it was on air (thankfully someone posted the vid so I could confirm what I saw). Also, note it was a Giant's fan he hit with the ball, and 2-4-1ed the camera guy too! I'd say it's a candidate for one of ESPN's

Now playing

Funny little bit from today's ongoing Giants-Rams game (at the end of the vid).

Agreed. I was thinking when I read this story the other day that maybe Eidos Montreal decided to outsource the boss fights because they could not think of anything good. That way if the boss fights turned out bad, it wouldn't be their fault but the other company's fault. But that's a theory for another tin-foil hat.

I would think OnLive would be a better partner for television manufacturers than Microsoft (or Sony or Nintendo). As for the cable thing, as long as the price is right it sounds promising.

Nothing a little trial and error can't overcome! Although I will say that playing that PS2 Goemon was a pain in the ass. How I got through it basically amounted to talking to every NPC I could find until either so special text came up so I knew I was making progress, or some scene was triggered. Very difficult indeed!

Hey now, I played through all three Xenosagas in Japanese without really knowing the language at the time and I still enjoyed them! And you know how story-intensive those are. You (I mean I) just tend to focus on other things (music, gameplay, graphics) and rely on the work of the voice actors to get (some of) the