
In regards to FFVI progressing and grinding, it was minimized by a lot of people with the use of a turbo controller, a few settings changes, and the raft area of the game. Just set up things properly, put a weight on top of the old button before you go to sleep, wake up in the morning, and presto! Your characters are

There was a chance for CC to be better than CT for me, but that chance was lost once you have to make a choice between recruiting one set of characters or the other. It's awful for me not because of missing out on one set of characters, but the choice you have to make in order to get the better characters like Glenn.

Rubedo/Jr. from Xenosaga had the biggest impression on me. Nothing sticks in my head more than the image(keyword there) of a child dual wielding pistols. Plus both VAs that brought him to life made him quite the cool little badass.

Debated for a while on which version of Catherine to get, but settled on the standard version since the bonus I wanted was the soundtrack. I think Catherine is the second console game this gen that I have paid full price for (first was Demon's Souls).

ABCfam decided to go through all 3 Back to the Futures again, so nothing is going to get done today.

Not much variety among those choices, depending on how you look at it. Five have virtually the same nose, three the same brows, and some similar lips. Personally I like the look that is closer to the default settings that others have posted. I tweak mine to have more of an Eurasian look, which would be my preference.

A couple of good hardware deals I picked up at

Alpha build indeed! I had to rewind and watch those trees fall over a couple of times for comedy's sake just because it looked so unnatural. Part of the reason I prefer stills over footage early in a game's development (and try to avoid alpha footage).

I'm with you on the Spiderman reboot time interval. Way too soon, especially given the quality of (most) the Toby M. renditions. Running out of ideas are we Hollywood?

I was going back and forth on the L3/R3 issue. As I understand it the touchscreen is not multitouch, so you probably would not emulate the L3/R3 buttons straight up. It would probably be better to just switch around the controller configuration (like moving things like weapon select to the touch screen, and using the

Aw man, I completely forgot about that. How long has it been since the last release? I think the last one I saw was part 3, right before he got that job on the Afro Samurai game. Guess I have a few Dead Fantasies to watch.

Well, for a board itself (the important thing being the rules), I would use three pieces of wood connected by hinges so it can fold up (like a tri-fold wallet). I would stencil/free hand on any spaces or artwork you want on the board, then use a woodburner on those markings. Maybe use a router if you want some

Which coincides with Nintendo's decision to use a new proprietary optical disc for the Wii U.

Legality is fuzzy, but I figure if I buy a copy of a game and own the system (albeit a different region), then it should be fine. It's just an alternative to modding your console. And in this case, it would come with outputting the game in HD.

Guess that settles it. The PAL version of Xenoblade for the Dolphin emulator it is!


Why hello there Ms. Pointy nipples! On topic: still having trouble thinking of one. There's not really any great up and comers (trying to avoid the older actresses).

Of course! It's the old fashion way to stay cool. Just keep a towel near by to dry off every once in a while so your feet (and shins) do not turn into prunes.

Hmm, well I would head over to a site like . If you look up CPUs/processors on the left side you will see a sort category labeled "socket type" You will find the same sort category if you look under motherboards. If you can look up your current motherboard or CPU, you should be able to find out what the CPU