
Then it will have to be either the Raiders or the 49ers, because California does not need 4 NFL teams while (presumably) Minnesota loses its one and only team. It would only add insult to injury, especially since they lost their Lakers all those years ago.

Is that new stadium confirmed? What team is supposed to move there? It better be either the Raiders, Chargers, or 49ers, because Cali does not need another f***ing team.

You can look in many places to find the source of the decline. So of it is just a numbers game, where we saw a boom in Western development teams following the release of the first Xbox and continuing on to the 360. Most people, however, choose to blame the decline on changing tastes and deficits in game design theory.

Pretty much the results I expected. I was hoping for a little more love for the new games announced (like Overstrike), but ultimately these things are popularity contests. It also looks like we are at the beginning of the next FPS dominance cycle with BF3 topping this polls. Just as anti-Halo sentiment was building

A little concept art:

Here's the Playstation website for it that has a few more pics to go with this trailer along with a description of the game:

This somewhat hard to find trailer (kind of got lost in the E3 coverage) is why I said Gravity was my stand out game for E3: it was a pleasant surprise building on what little we knew about it from the NGP (now Vita) reveal months back. I felt I pretty much knew everything I needed to from the big games at E3 prior to

I'm inclined to agree. In terms of brand new, never before announced games, there were almost none. And if you were already sold on some of the games that were already announced, there just was not much to get out of this E3... you know, besides some info on the new hardware.

Now playing

In terms of new games that we had never heard/seen before (there were very few of those), Overstrike was the game of the show for me. Including all of the games, I would say Uncharted 3 was the game of the show. A game that was under the radar that I will be keeping track of after the show is Gravity Daze(working

It's similar but the key difference is the Wii U console is what is doing all the work and outputting the content to the TV (and Wii U remote... in some cases anyways) and in the iPad's case the second screen is where the processing is going on. There was a geeky story somewhere on the consequences of each set up as

Along the lines of what I was thinking. And this wasn't the only person wearing the mask and poking the hornet's nest. They're just asking to be placed under surveillance (even if they are not actually part of Anonymous).

That first picture really reminds me of a certain Valkyria from the first Valkyria Chronicles (when in Valkyria mode).

Gotta admit, I like the Sonic one! If they insist on making 3D Sonic games, I would rather play a 2D version of the level that translates to the actions on the 3D level. Probably not going to happen, but it would be cool.

So far I would say I was disappointed, but not surprised, in the game offerings at this year's E3. I do not think there was one new game announced (meaning we did not know about it from a prior E3, TGS, GDC, or in-game reveal) that has interested me. Well, besides the little blurb about a new game in the Bioshock

Not to be picky about breasts, as we men can be, but shouldn't one breast be significantly smaller on the Amazon? I think Discovery Channel informed me long ago about something where they would cut one breast small to make using a bow and arrow easier.

That Mog clock sounds like an old mechanic used in Wild Arms 2 to deal with random encounters. Green bubble with exclamation point was a preemptive battle, white was normal, red was a surprise attack.

Your comment about the other Zeldas reminded me of a few thigns. One thing from Zelda II (and Link's Awakening) that I wish they would incorporate into these major console releases is the ability to manually jump. It might make Zelda a little more platform oriented, but it is a simple change that could make things

That will be quite the challenge as some people (such as myself) prefer the darker Zelda titles to the lighter ones (though I like both); and Skyward Sword seems like it's leaning towards the light-hearted side.

You and me both, my gaming brother! It seems many others as well based on the comments on GTTV before Nintendo's presser about bringing over some JRPGs.

Don't get me wrong, I agree a launch with SSD would be too expensive. I just figured down the line (I would probably pick up the system 2-3 years after launch) if there was a 2.5" hard drive slot it would be nice to insert a SSD. The only reason I brought up larger internal storage devices for the Wii U's case is the