
A much appreciated feature. My friend and I always did co-op in the same room via Wi-Fi and the differences in lag could make it a little awkward at times.

Hey, it's the only way to make sure you know what you're getting into! (*cough* ladyboys *cough*)

Update: Looks like it is four usb ports (assuming some are not at the rear of the console).

Settle down? How? It's not possible to be more mellow.

Confirmed or a guess? Because that was my initial guess along with Mem card slots (or the like).

Still want to know what's under that flap in the front. Those tech specs can't come soon enough.

See that's the thing. We have heard about cutting the ram, but if it is true, when did they do it? Some of the cuts are sure to affect developers and, depending on when they started making their Vita games, could screw up the optimizations they already figured out on the older hardware.

I heard more of a composite "ooh" and "boo" for the AT&T announcement. Guess people are expecting dropped games to go with those dropped calls.

I think the pricing is good, but it makes me wonder what they cut out of the device to get it to those price points (or how much of a loss they will take selling it at those prices).

So that's what Lightning sounds like in English (my full playthrough was on the JP version). A couple thoughts after viewing the trailer:

That ME3 trailer showed a certain character making wonder about the status of the Shadow Broker (talking ME2 dlc here). Hopefully we will get some hints on how they plan to integrate our ME2 choices into ME3.

Good for Notch & co. Some may consider it selling out, but this is a good chunk of change that will hopefully fund more innovative games.

"unleash the simulated family, very life like"

And anally raped! It's a key feature of Federal, pound you in the ass, prison.

In addition to what the editors mentioned here some of the other things I think will happen:

At least that looks more like the moogles we are used to seeing. No comments on the girls.

Dude looks like Ted Nugent on steroids.