Taking a second shot at The World Ends With You after about a year and a half.
Taking a second shot at The World Ends With You after about a year and a half.
Crack pairing?
I would think Blizzard would think that if anyone is going to sell gold to WOW players, it will be them. No point losing out on a potential profit avenue.
Still my favorite of the youtube Zelda performances:
Well, not so much canceled as shortened, I would say Xenosaga/Xenogears Episodes 4 & 6 (with 5 supposedly being Xenogears). Boy how I wish they could have been made (and made to Takahashi's vision... not Monolith's/Namco's)!
Careful now. Something like that could blow up the internet! Awesome if true though.
I remember Ulitma Underworld as being one of the first PC games I ever played where I had no idea what I was doing. The two main things I remember was my brother somehow getting a gold sword, and that early in the game there was some kind of settlement of green people who you could kill if you wanted. I usually killed…
Alright, I have to admit that got me laughing! The car is perfect!
I think that offer has expired and they are only accepting kidneys now.
The most recent purchase? Gasoline at a nice $3.85/gallon. One of these days I need to get around to installing bike pedals on my car. Or cut out the bottom and go Flintstones-style.
They are partly right. For the most as of about one year ago, many SSDs were more likely to fail than your mechanical HDD. The problems were not from something breaking, like what can happen with an HDD, or a short. A lot of them bricked after about three months in part because of the drivers for them, and people…
The general consensus was that they are/were a nice experiment, but fail too often. After awhile the read/write times go from being competitive with SSDs to being more of a traditional HDD. Which makes sense, since they are mostly HDD with a small part SSD in composition (not exactly, but close enough).
Good to see the "why we do not finish games" topic come up again as it relates to immersion. In addition to what Leigh has written there are a few more things I think should be considered. First though, let me say that when I think about "immersion" I think about a game that puts the blinders on, where you become…
If they are going to bring back Thundercats, they should bring back Swat Kats while they are at it! Another great show with too few seasons.
More importantly...
That was my first thought!
Instantly in my head:
I had no idea who "The Zangief Kid" was, but after watching the video after the link all I have to say is, that bully is lucky he is ok. That pile drive was into concrete! Now I get the "dangerous" part of the lesson.
Wish the new Ys online announcement was an April Fools joke. Just make YsVIII Falcom!
I'm a good way through Policenauts now and enjoying it very much! Definitely worth the 500 yen I paid for it. I have a question for those of you that have played it. Are there any negative consequences for giving impromptu breast exams? I've done a little experimenting between saves and some of the dialog does change,…