Played and beaten!
Played and beaten!
In absence of a good action/platformer for the DS/PSP, I've decided to go through my spoils from Japan backlog. Just finished Goemon DS(not bad) and I think I'll move on to Policenauts. Hope Policenauts is as good as others have said it is!
Looking to switch over to an action RPG after reminiscing with some older games. I'm thinking about Lufia: Curse of the Sinistrals for the DS, even though I was initially put off by the redesign given how much I loved the original Lufia 2. Can someone who has played this remake and enjoyed the original give me their…
Well the first question to answer is if you need twin monitors or not. Do you need two work spaces for all that you do on your pc? If not, and this is for the home office, a single 22" LCD should be fine. As for resolution, if the distance you sit from your PC is less than 3' you really do not need 1080p as you really…
Well, I suppose developers could do what SE did in FFXI (might be remembering this wrong) and let you toggle the on screen damage numbers as per preference. Personally I do not think Mass Effect really did anything great with not using numbers on screen. Like other RPGs (mostly ARPGs) it uses life bars and you…
Well, I suppose developers could do what SE did in FFXI (might be remembering this wrong) and let you toggle the on screen damage numbers as per preference. Personally I do not think Mass Effect really did anything great with not using numbers on screen. Like other RPGs (mostly ARPGs) it uses life bars and you…
If we are just talking game companies I trust to deliver games that I consistently find satisfying it would break down like this:
This happens to me quite often. What I usually end up doing is retro game. For instance, I just went back and played A Link to the Past when I got fed up with grinding in Resonance of Fate. I'm still amazed I somehow remember where everything is in that game after all these years!
I plan on finishing Nostalgia. Right now I think it will end up with the same final thoughts I had on Legend of Dragoon: if you ignore the first half, the game is pretty good albeit a bit generic. Still wish I could reduce that encounter rate more though!
I'm with you there. I think achievements/trophies have made part of game design lazy in that you can just award someone a trophy/achievement instead of unlocking something new in the game or giving them some in game bonus (money, armor, weapons, etc.) Not that they cannot do both (bonus + achievement), just that the…
Probably one of these kinds of days.
For my feelings on multiplayer I'll stick with a classic:
I've been going through the DS portion of my backlog: Radiant Historia, Dragon Quest IV, and now Nostalgia (in that order). I had high hopes for Nostalgia even though the reviews were generally bad. I figured the reviewers just did not know what they were talking about, or that they did not like old school RPGs, but…
Just finished Radiant Historia, so I am going to dig into my DS backlog and play a little DQIV. Probably will continue to sneak in a little A Link To The Past before bed too.
The price is the main thing keeping me from finishing Galaxy 1 and Twilight Princess. While I was moving some bastard in airport security opened my TSA locks and took the discs (leaving the boxes and manuals behind). I have been waiting for some price drops because I hate buying used... especially when a good portion…
Lack of games? I know a few I'm still waiting on a Western release...
Truly, kissing is the most awkward part of sex in video games. That's why they should go by prostitution rules: no mouth to mouth. And games should never break that rule... just ask the Sham Wow guy about the consequences of breaking the rule.
Magia is awesome! You can definitely tell it was composed by Kajiura. It's a very visual song.
I completely forgot they had a new album coming out a while back. How is BM #3 overall? Is it as good as the first two albums?
Right now I'm listening to Jinn & Komine Lisa while I work. I wish I could find more of Komine's work since I just love the quality to her voice.