
I think the main problem goes back to my main criticism of the use of motion controls thus far: as a mouse replacement. Nearly every game, outside of maybe Tumble, uses motion controls as nothing more than a 2D (X/Y-axis) navigation tool like a mouse. Point and shoot, swipe across the screen, so on so forth. None of

Let's see... well, I downloaded the DN3D hd patch a couple of years ago. I just had an itch to play it again (wouldn't work on new PC without the patch). That one extra download added to the tally could have helped show 3DRealms that there was still interest in Duke Nukem and compelled them to keep trying with DNF.

Nope. If I set myself up that way, I did not pay attention to the character. Completely focused on solving the puzzles as fast as possible. Could also be because I attempted to get through the game in one go while sleep deprived (think I was up over 36 hours that day... serious insomnia for 2 weeks).

I'm still surprised the main in Portal was female. I had no idea what the sex of the lead was. I just thought it was some nameless dude I was controlling. I'm probably the only one who missed this. Anyways, it looks like Valve has done a heck of a job on her makeover.

@blu_goku: Right there with you. Makes me thirst for one of these:

@staySICK: Ah, that makes more sense than my suggestion! Wouldn't be surprised if his board sports an AI overclock as well though.

Two thoughts here. First, does it come with a "naughty children that play with this computer without Dad's permission can forget about a car when they are of driving age" sign? Second, if that "start" button is anything like my MB, then it is to start the AI overclocking. It's kind of a mixed bag feature, but nice to

I think the better question would have been "why are you making the movie 'National Treasure' and calling it 'Uncharted?'"

I see this as more of PSA tech against driving while talking on a cell phone.

Depends on if you went with a PhysX or DX11 card. If Dx11, try Metro 2033. If you want to just benchmark your system though, you are better off with 3Dmark. Wasn't there an offer for the full 3Dmark with your Origin PC? I could have sworn I read that while looking through their site when you were building it.

@Elliuotatar: Damn, I was so close! I started on the C from copyright and on the T of the "the" on the copyright page. The second one was going on a guess you were suppose to start after "(c)ey" from the envelope message, with "the" coming after the first Y.

@Elliuotatar: Could you explain how you converted the numbers to letters? I was looking through the guide trying to use things like the 362nd letter in the text, starting from various positions. Needless to say, that did not work. Did you find any use for the guide Crecente linked at all?

@Jekku: There was a Japan only PS2 game as well that was pretty fun. I have that DS cart, but have not got around to playing it yet (big backlog!). The game looks just as fun as the others though.

Now playing

Following a former speakup topic on movie genres that could make games I revisited one of my favorite games. I posted a couple of examples of "musical games," and remembered the funny opera scene from Mystical Ninja 64 Starring Goemon. I forgot how complete of a game this was! Well, complete for me anyways. Funny,

Personally, I think the Robocop statue would look classy displayed at the State Theater (Fillmore Theater). Perhaps stage right.

Lists like this that come from a popular vote always remind me of one of Plato's criticisms on democracy. The basic gist being that why should the vote of one person, who has carefully reviewed every candidate and their platform, be counted the same as another person's vote who knows little to nothing.

The PC is the closest thing you will get to a universal console and the PC gaming model is what you would have to follow to get universal gaming machines. By that I mean this: you will have multiple electronics manufacturers making these game consoles. This means there will be a lot of variability in hardware specs.

Outside of educational material, the last thing I read willingly for fun was the Xenogears perfect guide and Xenosaga ODM.

@Hongo: I think we have all been there. One of my worst was a presentation I was told to give by my adviser about the research project we were doing. The only thing was, I was just assigned to do it and personally found there was no practical reason to do as it did not expand on any previous research. In fact, the

This is the one thing I hate about US console bundles: they never (outside of a few instances for the 360) are branded boxes like over in Japan. I know, it's just some cheap paint but dammit, it makes it feel special! More than skins anyways.