
I feel the same way, I don't like GTA games, I think they're boring as Hell, the gameplay just flat out doesn't interest me and to me the story is trying way too hard to be edgy.

i will gladly put fire emblem on my list of best games this year but for one tiny thing. the story. it was fun and serviceable but it was kinda bland and not told that well. comparing it to other contenders like GTA5 or SMT4 it falls flat in that department.

Hitler isn't at the top in Body Count. Mao was responsible for somewhere between 18 to 45 million deaths with his great leap forward. Stalin wasn't too far behind Hitler when it comes to politically related deaths, around 4 million. Go back into antiquity and you get some pretty fucked up individuals as well.

He ... did. But we only really see this clearly in retrospect and because of the relative recency of it all. Stalin was responsible for many, many deaths, yet does not retain the legacy of Hitler, or more hands-on brutal leaders, like say Genghis Khan, or even Idi Amin. Hitler's name has become synonymous with evil in

Joseph Stalin. One could argue the Kim Jong family as well.

He earned it pretty hard. There are other, more immediately frightening figures such as serial killers and teabaggers, but the cold, premeditated calculation, ambition and sick efficiency of Hitler was unparalleled, and hopefully will never be bested. But then, everyone already knows this. Well, except neo-nazi's, who

Shane, my man, go have a drink and spend some time with your family! We'll be fine without your awesome deals for one day. You better be back for boxing day, though.

To be completely honest I share an account with my best friend Doc. We've both been GTA fanatics since the first one. In fact we'll still pop it in the PS1 from time to time. Well, for all it's woes we've been having an absolute blast with GTAO. It's the kind of thing we've been talking about for years. You know,

I'm a huge Atlus fan, and I liked the game a whole lot, but I think it was kind of a misstep for the series. They approached the game play elements with a more contemporary flair, and a lot of conveniences they added were really nice, but it just doesn't have that gritty, lonely atmosphere smt is known for.

As someone who just got into PC gaming and only built his PC only a year ago I can honestly say its not nearly as bad as you think. Those sob stories about bad drivers and broken/defective hardware are rare cases just like Broken consoles. Building a PC is easy (though when youre first building one you are cautious as

No shin megami?

Ran into Target last night to grab some food on the way home. And by food, I mean I box of Kraft Mac-n-cheese (yes, I eat like a toddler.)

I remember it. My husband and younger brother remember it quite fondly. One of them even has a toy figure of the bad guy.

There's some truth to this. Like Nintendo using Mario on sports games and such, Squenix also believes a new game will reach a wider audience by linking it to the Final Fantasy universe.

Ahh, Dissidia. SquareEnix's freshest idea in a long time. Shame it isn't as popular as it could've been.

You could install Homebrew Channel on your Wii and play it off there.

i would love to agree with you, but i can't. Bravely Default is the only true JRPG that the 3DS has gotten since Tales of Abyss and that genre is completely gone from their homeconsole - that's why i'm dying for X to come out, because Nintendo has somehow gotten the idea that JRPG's is something people don't want,

"I hate to be the joke police"