you need better friends
Guess what? Theyre making a reboot of ReBoot
I kind of keep wishing Rainbow Six and by extension Ghost Recon would return to the days of one shot one kill and mounting tension as there was no heavy rock music going on in the background.
You're not 75% of the way thought the game... once you get to Gran Pulse you'll get lost. Seriously I spent 50% of my time in that region alone.
One of the great things about the genre is how diverse it is. :) (read: flame shield up!)
From Ni No Kuni to Pokemon? I thought Ni no Kuni was Pokemon RPG.
Forced sterilization sounds better every day.
Port these in 3D on 3DS, and HD on Vita. All 5 games, assuming Rockstar won't skip out on Liberty City Stories and Vice City Stories next.
Ah I see. Then yes, absolutely. And besides that, even if I were single and the whole deal were totally on the up-and-up, I just...wouldn't want everyone to know that I had had a one-night-whatever while I was traveling. I would definitely hide.
That's why the soundtrack becomes friend to so many
Starting to wonder if you're being sarcastic or not.....
Woah there. Spoiler alert. I didn't know he's not your dad.
how bout you suck a fuck? that way everybody wins!
i would gladly play these games if there wasnt a monthly fee. or if there was just a one time fee. i just cant bring myself to do it. money is always tight with me and i know id play the hell outta it for a bit and then move on. but i like being able to know i could jump back in if i wanted.
Gonna have to agree with you here.
I'm guessing from your writing that you were born in 1999?
Persona 4 says hello.