I'm actually on the side of hoping that the Joker stays completely out of this one. Not because it would be yet another "resurrected comic book character" cliché, but rather the same reason why I was glad Ledger's Joker was left entirely out of Dark Knight Rises: there simply is no animated Joker without Hamill.
I'm fine with a great Batman game that isn't Joker-centric, but I will never complain about Joker-centric Batman games if they're well done. Ever. You can't have too much of a good thing like that.
Listen, not a year goes by, not a year, that I don't hear about some escalator accident involving some bastard kid which could have easily been avoided had some parent - I don't care which one - but some parent conditioned him to fear and respect that escalator.
So if I painstakingly use the miniature training that I got in art school to make immaculate and architecturally perfect sets for my Marvel Legends figures to play in, you'll do a story? No, DON'T ANSWER. I know the answer in my heart.
Quitting my job tomorrow. This is it. BIG TIME. BIG TIME, AVENGERS. You hear me,…
I hate that this is how headlines are written nowadays, to get the click-views. I feel gross. Do you really need to include the post-semicolon statement? Jezebel is trying to be Buzzfeed now; not a smarter Cosmo?
This is patent trolling at its absolute worst. This is an awful, poisonous business practice.
I don't consider myself a violent, or irrational person. I try to think things through logically before reacting to a situation, as my reaction may be taken the wrong way by observers.
Now we can actually be John Malkovich! Huzzah!
We've utilized more than a few promo codes to come up with Titanfall pre-order discounts for PC gamers, but this is…
How much did Sony pay you for this article?
Do you feel like a hero yet?
Not with this popularity thing. Janet wasn't in our faces like Beyonce or Madonna, yet she STILL is more popular than Beyonce. Beyonce's music isn't as known as Janet's.
This. That's all my ex did, was blab into her fucking phone all day, and text text text text. She would even have her phone at the dinner table, tap tap tapping while we ate, even with company. Girls wanna bitch about games? Fine. If they hate my gaming they can tapity tap some shit about it, or stop acting like their…
Why smoke one cigarette when you can smoke 5 at once?
I saw what you did there... I think...
Since it's episodic this means the opposite of having a schedule for what day they release the titles. The only schedule of course is releasing them in order. Some episodes will take longer than others as they're not all going to be the exact same size, length, require the same amount of work, etc.