

i remember seeing that as a kid and crying when tony danza died.

as much as it would pain me, if the net ever got like that, id quit.

if i had to live with that awful woman id be lazy as hell too. that and i know the show makes him look lazy than he actually is.

i live and breath netflix. without that or being able to watch shows and movies online id likely stop watching everything. theres little doubt in my mind that by the time im 50 ill be living in a dark house using only tech that was developed before 2010 because everything will charge too much.

and thats how it is. they jack up the prices and say "oh well we offer over 500 channels!" and get confused when i say i only want three channel and want to pay a dollar for each.

i hear people say that all the time. not getting up and changing discs. lol " i cant be botherd to go into my game cellar and select one of my thousands of games. OH IF ONLY THEY WERE ALL ON MY HARD DRIVE!"

being able to hold a note and stand where they tell you and say what they tell you to say doesnt make you a better anything. except perhaps as a mannequin.

:Puts gun to PC master races head:

i love it. because of the net being what it is, i can get away without paying for a phone, cable and am able to buy things dirt cheap.

i live in the country and theres only charter. i had to convince them i only wanted internet. not phone and cable. blew their minds.

thats awful. but i would actually pay for cable if it offered me somthing like this. if i could pay five or ten dllrs a month for a dozen channels id do it. as it is now i dont have cable because theres hundreds of channels i dont want to watch and its incredibly expensive.

the only time i buy digital is when its dirt cheap ( which almost never happens on consoles) or if thats the only way available. most times i still refuse to buy digital only games just because i dont want to support it.

tell me again how digital only is the best way to go?

janet has somthing beyonce will never have. talent and soul. bey is a product not a person. theres nothing unique or original about her. she was created by other people to be a specific thing with a very specific shelf life.

dont have alot of time to get into it but a major factor is that Janet, while successful, was never as popular as bey or even madonna. both bey and madonna were/are icons for women of their generation and both are controversial at times

honestly, if they werent both women of color you wouldnt see them being compared. if anything Bey has more in common with Madonna than any one. but like, black power or women power or...power somthing.

well, Janet was a talented artist who gave somthing to the world. the other is a raging diva who wouldnt know how to sing if she didnt have dozens of people taking care of her every second of every day.

it turns out you in fact CAN. i just cant.

well we cant all have coked fueld orgies throwing hundred dollar bills around.