
in other news, ubisoft will develop NEXT GEN versions of Oregon trail! Carmen Sandiago! and Minesweeper!

my significant other is in the market for a 3ds XL. they had their hearts set on the animal crossing version but that seems a little too expensive. any one know of a good deal somewhere? there was that mario and luigi one last week but we missed it.

maybe. for me, unless somthing truly amazing comes out in the next year, maybe year and a half. ill wait. in a year and a halfs time im sure there will be a price drop and if not by then there will be some truly awesome games.unlike now where all there seems to be are half baked games and ports.

oh i agree, i just meant dont run out and buy a ps4 right now as theres nothing to play. im dying to buy one im just waiting for sony to give me a reason to. as it looks right now its going to be a year or mroe before anything worth while hits the console.

the game is still a year or more away

exactly. some series peak with a game and theres not much point trying to change the whell just because you can. that why i cant really blame actvision to much. they found a great formula for their games and it works for them. people get to play a great game and they get paid. everybody wins.

this doesnt seem any more open than most studios.


i about had to choke a motherfucker when i got to the moon level and they kept saying the music sounded like ass. my eyes nearly rolled into my head.

i find an ipad and head phones or a handheld works wonders. while they sit there and watch gossip girl i can play shin megami tensei 4 or while im playing metal gear ( which is often!) they can watch stuff on the ipad.

lol "life support machine for their vagina's."


i feel ya. my significant other will hog the tv all day watch dreck like supernatural or top chef and when they get done im like "allright, gonna play ducktales!" all i hear is, "you never want to spend time with me!"

im sure theres plenty of women who are pissed their boyfriends spend too much time reading, exercising or hanging out with friends. im sure there are men who are pissed their girlfriends watch crappy reality tv and teen drama shows or are lazy.

true but finn and jake are the stars of the show and more popular.

i knew a HUUUUUUGE tolkien fan back in the day who layed it all out for me.

when i said hello to my neighbor earlier she waved. she didnt say hello back. now since im a black person that obviously means she is a racist. what other answer could there be? did she not HEAR ME SAY HELLO?

i HATE that you have to pay bullshit. usually im am constantly getting harrassed by other players and in an attempt to save myself i end up blowing their car up. ive done it enough times that ive been labeled a bad sport. simply for defending myself.

lol im all for supporting the devs but i havnt seen any proof that they see any money after the game ships. they get paid to develop the game regardless if it sells well. sure, they might get a bonus if it sells really well but that not my concern. its not my job to make sure a dev is properly paid for his work. thats

i read up on reviews as well but i dont care if the game is getting perfect scores all over the place if i cant justify the price,ill wait for it to get cheaper. ni no kuni looked really really awesome but i just wasnt sure if the whole cartoon vibe would be a turn off so i waited till it was cheaper. turns out i was