
but i think there could be more and better deals. thats what stopping me from buying more digital games. the fact that they are still over priced online compared to real world places. i was looking around on psn for a four year old basketball game and they had it for forty dollars. im pretty sure its like ten bucks in

yes! this times a million! i almost always only pay full price for a game i know im going to like. metal gear, gta, elder scrolls. i know that im not going to blow sixty bucks and be stuck with a game i dont like. or a game im not that into.

while i agree that most games are over priced i dont think every game should be that low. but that gets into the sticky area of how you value a games worth. id pay 60 dllrs or more for a game like FF13 or GTA5. but id only pay 20 or 30 for a game like god of war and bio shock.

an example im fond of is lollipop chainsaw. i hardcore LOVED that game. but i was pissed i spent sixty bucks on it. it was way too short and way too simple for that much money.sure, i had alot of fun with it but i still feel like i got jyped.

if anything, they need to have MORE sales. there are plenty of games that im interested in but dont wanna spend full price on it and end up hating it when i do. so i usually just wait until it drops down in price and then buy it used or hope it goes on sale for a price im ok with.

i get the vibe that GTA online wont be all it can be quickly. i think in a few years, once they have ironed everything out itll be great. until then...

i dont know what you mean. ive been progressing just fine.

the job system in this game is utterly broken. i literally spend 15 to 20 mins trying to get into a match and when i finally do, it lasts all of 8 minutes and then thats it. time to go again. ive yet to do most of the diffrent jobs because everytime i join i get kicked from them or i just wait and wait and wait. i

lol i do that alot. ill be driving along on my way to do somthing and some ass hole rear ends me and opens fire killing me. then i dedicate the next half hour to following him and killing him repeatedly.

i will admit GTA online has its issues and isnt as great as it could be, but i still love playing it and have a blast.

ive used the online dating thing a few times. just like meeting people in real life there are ups and downs. i met some cool people on there and some bonafide psychos as well.

agreed that the quality of the game does factor in but a much bigger concern is the wasted money.

trust me. in most cases that is how it works. in regards to marketing your right. but they choose the wrong kind of marketing in the wrong places. i saw an ad for resident evil 6 when i was watching somthing on lifetime. they have no idea who they are marketing to so they literally take 20 million dollars and just

thats the problem. its always the developers and the studios that suffer. they kinda have it coming because they wont stand up for themselfs but major studios need to go on strike or somthing. fight for change in the industry.

your right its bad for business unless your the higher ups. ive been saying it for years but developers need a union of some kind. i feel awful that they get fucked over and used all the time.

exactly. when you are developing a game, before you even start there are two things that need to be finalized. a budget and a finish time. find out about how long its expected to develop and then how much it should cost and then do it.

im sure they waste alot of money. over half the budget in most cases.catered lunches everyday, swimming pools filled with blood to promote you game and other needless advertisements.

at this point id lick his feet clean for a toke.

was a good game but it lacked things.lots of things lol

Ill take one for the team. Ill take a whole fucking pack. Ill smoke the fuck outta them.