I know a teenager who asumed thor is in the bible since its like old times and stuff. Im a christian!
I know a teenager who asumed thor is in the bible since its like old times and stuff. Im a christian!
As someone who is trying to quit i want to beat him to death with a bar of fucking soap.
Great comment.
well played sir, i shall go back under my bridge.
yawn. gimmick.yawn.
exactly. thats why i keep talking about a schedule of some kind. if they are doing somthing that will have six episodes, dont release it until you have the first three done. then release them once a month or somthing so you can avoid the months long wait.
i understand they are making a game and not a show. but they are borrowing very heavily from the tv show format. they are doing all of the things a tv show does and attempts but are doing it wrong.
eh, true but most of them havnt been in a successful game in almost a decade if not longer.i mean, alan wake beating up banjo? the silent guy from fable fighting elvis from perfect dark?
im fine with waiting. it really doesnt bother me. i just dont like waiting for long. your right, tv shows do have break, usually in the mid season. but it only lasts for a month. maybe two. then its back to work. telltale doesnt do that. its months in between episodes. if i had to wait two or three weeks, maybe even a…
jesus dude calm down. the very idea of what telltale is attempting means they need to have a scedule. if they were releasing the games in full it wouldnt matter but they are not.
i remember being raked over the coals for saying it was a rip off. i liked the game,alot. but it was a rip off. embarrassingly so.
i understand what your trying to say but TV does it all the time. and thats what telltale is trying to emulate. the television format of a episodic structure. could you imagine how pissed people would be if it took six months to get two episodes of breaking bad? or if it took almost a year for game of thrones to show…
exactly. i went crazy waiting for the first season of walking dead. it took FOREVER to come out. i havent even touched season two for fear of the same. ill buy it, but ill probly have to wait until december for them to finish it.
aint gonna,lie, i probly laughed and had more fun playing that game than i have anything else in years. not because it was good. but because it was so bad its funny!
i think the idea of a episodic structure is great. it just needs to be more reliable. if they had two episodes coming out in a month, every month, thatd be great and id jump on board. as it is i wait for it to be finished and then usually end up forgetting about. thats them losing a sale.
true but it has a legion of fans, alot of who enjoy gaming and its been going strong for close to fifty years now. as much as i despise the new movies, they have sparked a interest in the franchise which should have ended with a new and great game.
i dont know why they just cant get on a rotation. do walking dead for three months and then wolf for three,then game of thrones and so on.
OH MY GOD! stop giving them attention! everytime the say somthing about fags or nigger or god is evil they are ONLY doing it for attention. nothing else. people getting angry makes them happy an validates them.
thats my biggest problem with telltale and how they make their games. theres no steady release schedule. in most cases with their games i just skip them and wait for them to all be done. i know i would really hate playing one and getting super psyched for it and then waiting months for the next one.
agreed. it just seems like every big franchise has atleast one great game. i think its time for trek to have one. all it would take is a good studio with a modest but good budget and it could happen and people would love it.