
kojima has NEVER let me down. but that doesnt mean im not worried. i hope im wrong and im sure i will be.

well i know all of that. my point is that there hasnt been a serious attempt at making a trek game in decades. i dont understand why sombody like bethesda who has/had the license to trek and they didnt do anything other than few generic space ship battle games.

it does look good. not gonna lie.but i want real trek. great graphics and a great story.

are we at the point yet where we can fully admit its a smash bros rip off? i know people get angry when this gets brought up.

thats what i dont understand. developers are obvious nerds. star trek is popular with nerds. star trek is a billion dollar franchise.

well of course. in my mind the perfect trek game would borrow alot from mass effect. rely mostly on conversation and diplomacy and making tough decisions with spectacular space battles and phaser fights. wrap it all in some meaty character development and rpg elements and you have a AAA game.

i would give anything in the world for a great trek game. anything. ANYTHING.

it has its charms. i feel like its alot like FF7 in regards to it truly being a great game but that its just been built up so much that unless you played it when it came out, the impact of it will be lost on you.

alot of developers have well known and loved games that they ignore. for the life of me ill never know why they wont make a a chrono sequel or a new tactics game.

agreed. dissidia was great. i just hope they improve the stuff. the gameplay itself is rock solid but everything else just seems like window dressing. give me a good story and plenty of stuff to unlock.

cute video. couldn't pay me to see the movie though.

not a bad idea but there are allready alot of "spiritual successors" to Tactics. while itd be nice to have another strategy game, without the final fantasy iconography it doesnt interest me much.

i see what you mean but in regards to alot of other open world games skyrim and los santos are incredibly detailed. from the diversity of the environments to the tiny little things. i saw a group of waiters taking out the trash and then stop for a smoke break in los santos. ive seen a woman chase a bandit half way

i dont expect a new MGS every year. or every two years. but i think they should be a pattern of a new one few years. theres little doubt in my mind that phantom pain will be a fantastic game and worth the wait but damn. in the time its taken we could have had two, maybe even three by now.

jesus. i need to stop coming to this site. everyone is just so fucking angry its sad. men are evil! look what this stupid man did! FUCK MEN!

i think a year is perfect build type to hype up a game. thats enough time for a couple of trailers, interviews,even a gameplay video. but over two year? thats too long.

i agree on most of your points. i think the biggest mis step is that its taken so long. we've known about this game for what? over two years? and we are only getting a glorified demo witht he full game coming out when? this year? next year?

meh, ill be buying it on the ps3. im not upgrading yet just for slightly better graphics.

thats a drinking game right there. go to ign or gamefaqs and take a drink everytime you see a racial slur or homophobic rant.

kotaku is fucking mensa compared to the mouth breathers at ign. them and gamefaqs are awful. i cant go over there without hearing about how im a nigger licking faggot eating anime watching pussy who needs to swallow a bag of greasy cocks.