
Can I just say once again how much I love Jordan Peele?

It would be difficult for this comment to be any more smarmy or self-righteous. Must be hard to see all the little people from up on top of that high horse.

Great. Now on to more pressing issues...

If someone actually has Celiac, they tell you they have Celiac, don't they? So can we all just agree that if someone declares themselves as "allergic to gluten," that they're just an asshole?

I... I feel like cream cheese on a pizza wouldn't be the worst idea. I don't know how to go about testing this without potentially wasting an entire pizza and the hours it would take to prep one at home, but now I'm curious.

"Dirty uniforms, meanwhile, like all the girdles filled with blood and feces because some hits are savage enough to overpower the central nervous system, I'd put in a special bin for disposal."

Isn't involuntarily shitting your pants a symptom of pretty significant head trauma associated with concussion-like symptoms? I read an article about how this is a thing football players taking huge hits to their head do (maybe even on deadspin itself). So while we can laugh at him for shitting himself, this may

This is the advantage of an electric motor - full torque at all revs.

I had a beard related thought, too, but not in the literal sense.

Is this supposed to be a problem? Like it or not, he's doing exactly what a lot of men would do if they had the money and fame to get this kind of woman's attention. At least this greasy furball of potato dirt is honest. There are so many guys that settle down with one woman only bc they're not rich enough, or

They're bad, Barry.

Bed-And-Breakfasts Are Stupid

Many people get a certain twinkle in their eyes at the mere mention of bed-and-breakfasts. Ooh, let's take a road

Did you just skip over the things he said about black people, or ignore them outright?


Totes an anagram, you guise!

Ugh you Malcolm Piffenthwaiththe fanboys are all the same

I honestly just feel sorry for this woman, because she's lost something beautiful, but she's too limited to ever really know it.

And again, there is no crime here.

Yeah. And then the 400 embedded clips of DIY procedures involving infections, zits, and cysts that followed. Unspeakable horror.

Sorry about the mental images. After Mark Shraybers post last night, mouth sores and scabs seem downright cute and cuddly.

Not true. Ever seen a scabby crusty nipple? A canker sore? Cold sore? Busted lip? Bleeding gums?