Ugh, article so long. somebody summarize
Ugh, article so long. somebody summarize
To play devil's advocate, you could argue that one allegation in Woody's case (even if the accuser was a child and has been incredibly consistent, while the accused has made some false claims about the case O_o) is not as weighty as 20+ over decades pointing to similar behavior.
"Hey man, why are you so upset about a serial rapist who has been getting away with it for decades and maintaining a nice shiny public image while enjoying success and wealth until now? That doesn't seem like a big deal, there must be something wrong with you! Why don't you talk about this completely unrelated topic…
Meanwhile, this is an environment artist doing portfolio work, not an Engine tech demo. So he does have to aim for in-game, non pre-rendered scenes in order to showcase his work and get hired (Which this all is).
So....your mini-rant here is pointless.
This is like someone breaking into an art gallery and then, when ordinary people can't go to the gallery for 2 months because it's being repaired, claiming they just did it "to show that the owners should invest in some better security".
I can't wait to see the pictures of the police dragging those teens out of their mom's house and into a cop car.
But how hard is it just to say, "Thank you for the invitation, but we have plans that day," really?
Have you ever thought of looking beyond your own little selfish bubble and thinking that maybe it's a big deal for relatives, especially older relatives, to get to see their extended family once or twice a year?
Teen snark is not as funny as teen thinks it is. People ask these questions because they want to interact with you, and this is an easy, safe way to do it. Your time would be better spent learning how to make polite conversation. I joked about doing the same thing when I was a teen/young adult, but I didn't, because I…
So.....I guess having polite small talk with the Grandma that probably brought you a nice Best Buy or Macy's gift card (even though you never call or write) isn't a fair exchange for said gift?
That was my first reaction, too. I hope she also learns about comma splices and why you shouldn't use them.
That's the article you want to link to to in rebuttal? Just concede dude, it's less embarrassing.
We're always happy to dump on ESPN when they screw up, but submitting a well-researched public records request on a subject of legitimate public interest in the expectation that it won't be sprayed all over the internet on Christmas Eve in an attempt to dampen its findings is definitely not an area where they screwed…
Just from the gif, what the fuck was the red car doing hitting the brakes?
I still can't believe just how well Wolf turned out. I expected nothing from it.
So, buttermilk-
The mental illness thing is totally separate from the adult/juvenile thing. In some states, attempted murder is always an adult crime, no matter the age or other circumstances. In other places, those crimes are automatically placed in adult court unless and until a judge moves it down to the juvenile system. It's…
Apparently engineering ability is entirely unrelated to the ability to edit a video that doesn't make me want to die.