The Departed is marky-markedly inferior to Infernal Affairs.
The Departed is marky-markedly inferior to Infernal Affairs.
I mean, Mike Love has been into it for what, half a century or so? And he’s one of the biggest assholes on the planet
It’s entrepreneurship, actually. Comparing thrifting to colonialism is fucking outrageous, and actively offensive to people actually suffering under colonialism.
Or any episode of the podcast Knowledge Fight. Speaking of, veeeery much looking forward to the next episode, given that all these texts are out.
As expected, an incel showed up to make this same argument, 400 times.
Deplatforming works
Fitness Boxing of the North Star sounds lit.
lol hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
Well said. There’s a thing in the literature world called “autofiction”, which are essentially autobiographies with a thin veneer of fiction laid over them to avoid any outright calls of well as present themselve- sorry, the totally fictional protagonist of their totally fictional novel in the best…
Ah got it. I was thinking it was an image of the card, but it’s shared ownership. Well, it worked well for Bart, Milhouse, and Martin when they all shared that comic book so I’m sure nothing could possibli go wrong.
Thank you, I feel like I’m taking crazy pills with how many dudebros saw this trial and thought “Surely this guy who had two judgements against him for beating his wife was the hero all along.”
fucking virgin
Let’s see the source on that absolutely wild claim about women being more likely to die in the year after having an abortion.
You’re full of shit. Women are 14 times more likely to die in childbirth than they are to die from complications from an abortion.
Is there some kind of filter we can use on Ezra Miller articles to sift out all the idiots complaining about their pronouns? Yikes
Good thing you didn't click on it
Somewhere in Texas, Heidi looks on at her husband with disappointment in her eyes.