
I’d like to see more devs go the Payday 2 route (minus the power creep/NEEDING some expansions). Every month or two, drop one map, a few cosmetics, a few new guns, for like $7. I would pay $7 every month for that amount of content.

The gay Iceman character was a terrible idea. Lets create a new gay character by completely destroying and pushing down an existing character and trying to replace it. Everyone who loved iceman before will surely love the new one we replace it with! Sorry, not how it works. America Chavez didnt work because it wasnt

I pledge to Dead Orbit just because they’re the ones whose philosophy I most agree with. New Monarchy wants an aristocratic government, which nuts to that, while FWC are escalationists who value military action over humanity’s other interests. Dead Orbit wants us to expand beyond the solar system to accomplish as much

Sucha great article from you again. I find myself agreeing with them most of the time. :)

Totally agree. New weapon system is garbage. There was nothing wrong with D1's

The gun in the most recent video is an Eyasluna, more or less a legendary Hawkmoon. It was a drop in pre-ROI crucible, when it was possible to get a roll that had enough range to actually make the gun competitive. I don’t believe it’s dropping at the moment but the crucible vendor Palindrome is pret-ty close.

Black Flag, though Rogue is damn good and has a better lead character and campaign. Black Flag’s setting and side stuff is better. That counts for a lot given the way it is structured to mostly be about doing side stuff!

It is. If you look on the doctor’s desk in the research facility while he’s talking to you, There’s an ancient parchment with the doom 1 cover on it. Basically confirming it’s the same doom guy from doom 1-2. The the article pretty much lays that out. So here’s my take. Doom 1 and 2 happen. Doom guy stays in hell in

Halo is a great franchise... I just wish they had not ruined the melee and the plasma weapon slowdown.

Plus SWORD BASE is just fun to say, especially in the multiplayer announcer voice.

Now playing

Emile’s death was pretty impactful for me, even if I liked Jorge more. Everyone else is dead, and this guy who you haven’t really gotten along with, who’s harangued you the whole game, given you shit says “You do this, I will make sure you finish your mission.” It’s a moment of incredible respect that’s been built,

Halo Reach certainly had its moments—the singleplayer space fighter battle comes to mind—but my experience was rather different. Particularly interesting was Burford mentioning AI: literally the scene he described (choke point w/ elites in defensive position) is in every single other Halo title (albeit less in ODST due

I didn’t know how it was going to end beforehand :(

This story WAS the Battle of Thermopylae. The sacrifices made by each character added a weight that had not been seen before or since. The best part of the game though was when Jorge made his brave sacrifice only to have it undone immediately by having the bulk of the Covenant fleet leave slips pace shortly after the

Oh look someone is using an expanded vocabulary. Better call him pretentious.

You forgot to mention one of the biggest improvements: sorties! For the uninitiated, think of daily hard-mode missions or dungeons like in Destiny or WoW, endgame-level content for rare gear...but with a few twists. First, instead of a single pre-defined instance per day, it’s a set of 3 randomly-generated challenges;

Good to see some Warframe love on Kotaku. The game evolved A LOT since beta and, despite many ongoing problems, it’s still a pretty fun and great game.