
Most Halo encounters have you observe the map before engaging. Sword Base is unique in that it has you fighting uphill, so you don’t really know what’s ahead and where the enemies are positioned. Likewise, the way the AI works in conjunction with the mission, you’ll have enemies show up in various locations they might

I feel like the pacing is a bit off in Long Night of Solace. The fights aboard the Covenant ship never felt quite right to me.

Emile’s death had such a perfect setup.

Litten’s the clear piece of shit here. Doesn’t even look like a Pokemon.

ODST had vastly better firefight, however.

I’m a bit torn. I think Reach has the most interesting stuff going on in it, but Halo: Combat Evolved is still my favorite. I think it’s got a more focused story and more memorable missions on the whole. The Library is one of my favorite things ever, and I love the mechanically linguistic change the Flood introduce.

The in-game version of this would be having the character say “hey, the door opened” because players might be looking the other way, interacting with a different object, and so on and so forth.

why did this reply take you four years to make

Yes, brilliant, let’s cast a Chinese woman as a Japanese woman. Great. This is definitely a better course of action than hiring an American woman somehow.


September 20 is a Tuesday, so that lends some credence to the theory, however minimal.

Zuko’s facial scarring wasn’t because the fire nation attacked, tho. Your reference game is weak.

I don’t know how, so, hi, I’m DocSeuss.

I don’t know how, so, hi, I’m DocSeuss.

pff, I’m DocSeuss. #consistentbranding I don’t know how add people.

As an indie dev, life is a LOT easier for me, cost-wise, than it was a few years ago.

It’s a terminal on your ship iirc. There’s also the clan in the tower.

Uplay, tho

I try to do it in every RTS I play.