I dunno, I haven’t tried because I don’t want to shoot off my armpit.
I dunno, I haven’t tried because I don’t want to shoot off my armpit.
The amount of games that deny modding is higher than the amount of games that do not.
It’s strange to meet people who tell you that you shouldn’t be able to change things because it’s not what the developers intended. I don’t get that. Developers are just people. I should be able to do whatever I want with whatever I have as long as I’m not inconveniencing anyone else. Then along comes someone who…
I know for me modifying games has always been an issue of curiosity. The most fun I’ve ever had with a games console was when I hacked my Wii so I could run all my Gamecube games on it directly from a USB drive instead of having to switch discs. Working over and over with exploits like letterbomb, thinking I’d bricked…
That’s a cool dad. Making or changing stuff for your kid is awesome; whether it’s that cool indoor treehouse I saw last week or something like this.
Being notable does not warrant addition onto a list of what shotguns are really good. I would have added Wolfenstein TNO/TOB’s autoshotguns and Rage’s explosive shotgun before the Gnasher.
Yes. The problem was the OHK nature of CTD/FL/M64. Bungie needs to drastically increase shotgun range, but decrease the amount of damage at those ranges. Shotguns should encourage mobility—right now, shotguns encourage slide/shotty OHK stuff, which is unfun to play with. Decreasing range only encourages more camping…
No love for vanquish. ;)
That triple kill vid I did made me so happy.
You answered your own question.
Read the article I linked. :)
What. Where do you get this.
I try to avoid dissing devs when I can.
Um, what. Flak Cannon is absolutely a shotgun.
I wrote it, he published it.
But that break action in Clear Sky with darts tho
List is not in order. ;)
No, flipping them like Arnold does is unrealistic. Will see if I can get Kotaku to let me run an edit for clarity.
Best in class feedback, horrible range.
They almost made it. Rage’s too.