
It’s not like they co-wrote the movie. When you see 5-6 people on a script, it usually means that someone wrote one, then other people came along and butchered it, then even more people came along and butchered it more, and hopefully somewhere in the process it became good.

Roberto Orci is a frequent screenwriting collaborator of his, and he’s a bad writer.

He can absolutely do substance, but he really likes to work with bad writers.

I haven’t seen them, so I couldn’t possibly comment, but I’m a guy on the internet, so I’m totally gonna do it:

In a world... where J.J. Abrams makes movies without Orci...

I kinda wanna see a before/after just to see how the shading has done that.

and then they went “oops, our bad, that was a mistranslation.” The only rumor we have since is that there was a prima guide leak.

yo that rumor was shot down


You are mistaken. The rumors about that were false.


Just because you were aware that this was an old post and called it out, I feel obligated to respond, so I will do that when I can.

I hate to point out that this is a comment from 2012 that I made.

Torn between liking WW’s costume and feeling it’s overdesigned. A good full-body costume isn’t quite so excessive. Usually 3 colors max, predominantly two. She’s got a lot of Red and Blue and Yellow all over the place. It’s weird.

My point is that Titans still have one of the most powerful supers in the game. As do warlocks.

telling my dog goodbye, helping a friend deal with the loss of his father, doing my busiest semester ever, and writing these:

Something that amuses me is how some of these are perpetrated by game publishers, like the graphics one.

Oblivion/Fallout 3/New Vegas/Skyrim 4+GB RAM patch, though that was more than a single line of code.

eh heh heh heh. I am not prey to any of these misconceptions, because of how great I am.

Anyone remember the promises of Grognok?