
I think WotC has made progress over the years in fleshing out the cultures of various races and I’m wholeheartedly in favor of them continuing to do so.

Reading the comments below, I am struck by just how little people can place themselves in the shoes of others. ‘The Robinsons are stooopid!’ - no, they are brilliant, honorable people used to being around other brilliant, honorable people, and thus they are easy prey for a very clever psychopath. Not because they are

I was a huge fan of the movie. So many boycotted it because the book was pretty anti-religion. The movie made it seem more anti-organized religion and they drew inspiration from Catholicism more than anything else. I could see how that was a bit heavy handed for some people. It is a movie, so right there it is

I can think of at least one time they encountered a human within the show, when their rivals the Sour Grapes Gang sent some creepy little dancer girl to deliver a message.

Plus, the original two films played damn well with kids and they certainly weren’t patronizing in the least. Had they come out just a decade before they both would have easily scored a PG rating.

I didn’t realize the character designs were based off the original cartoons. Honestly, they look pretty terrible. Wednesday especially. I get they are trying to go for an apathetic look but she just looks so...lazy? 

I also get that this version is totally for kids, so I’m going to cut it some slack.

Back in the mid 70's in Pennsylvania, Ultraman, (series 2), was an afternoon re-run on a local station. I fell in love then, and I can’t wait to see my cheesy, Godzilla knock-off again.

I’m with you! I wanna see them, but I really don’t want to buy all that. If some streaming service picks them up I’m more than willing to pay that way.

It being Station free, that would make me happy

This sounds so much like my son and his obsession with “Peep and the Big Wide World.” It was science friendly and had cute humor that I could appreciate. My son watched it so frequently that his 2nd birthday cake was designed after the three main characters. Flash forward to the age of 9, and I am the one who

Avengers 4: Tuna Melt

Sean Gunn’s credit was “on-set Rocket”, I believe - he did the mo-cap like the Guardians movies.

Sean Gunn was in the credits, too, which was really odd. I wonder if he filmed something and they had to cut it just because it ended up feeling out of place (wouldn’t be surprising if this film had a lot of fat to trim).

Like a pirate had a baby with an angel.

I feel like Black Panther should’ve handed tactical command of the Big Battle over to his more experienced general. A better way of proceeding, since the power dome is able to be opened here and there, would’ve been to open a segment, let in a certain number of foes, and then close the dome again. This would let your

The idea that every character could be just like Batman really hurt the DCEU. Instead of the characters with drastically different tones having to find a way to work together it’s let’s drown everything in grim dark grim.

Alternate theory:

People want to go see movies where they can enjoy themselves and have a good time, not oddly color-graded deconstructions of heroism bogged down with unnecessary CGI.

Despite some clunky story-telling at the start I still think the Disney adaptation is a really FUN adventure flick.