
The thing is, “so-and-so is an idiot” isn’t a plot hole. It isn’t even a plot flaw. The whole point of the movie, in fact, is that Poe is an idiot and a hero both, and that the same things that are heroic and save the day in one situation can be stupid and self-defeating in another. He needs to learn that you can’t

“Low level fighter pilot??” How many resistance fighters are even left at this point? Enough to fit into 30 shuttles. Demoted or not Poe freaking Dameron, the guy who blew up the Starkiller base has to be a Top 10 guy that you clue in on shit like the survival of your organization.

Suicide bombers doesn’t really sound like the Rebellion’s type of thing.

I think that Ingrid Pitt pulls off the blue eyeshadow look for Doctor Solow. And Valentine Dyall unquestionably rocks the Black Guardian’s dead-bird-on-head ensemble.

The thing I love about this show is that people are allowed to have a sense of humor. People are funny in real life. People make jokes. You can still do your job and have a laugh.

I’ve really fallen in love with this show, which, must like the first season of TNG, has gotten stronger over time.

Orville is great fun, loving it. I don’t think anyone could have called how almost universally postive it’s reception has been, especially put up against the mixed reaction Discovery has gotten.

Yep. Even the little bit of modification to him in the Claire-centric “stranded” episode gave him more depth. He started out as “xenophobic Data” and has already grown into something else.

I disagree. Dr. Finn, Alara and Bortus are all very interesting characters. The Krill are pretty freaky too.

Halston’s performance as Alara is majorly underrated. I’m glad they let her kick ass regularly.

I agree. I’d love to see them lean into that. The hints about the culture Alara is from were really enticing for one. A race full of super-strong humanoids who are also intellectuals and academics... That’s interesting.

Yeah, this and along with her shockingly strong performance in the episode on the planet with Isaac she’s become one of my favorites.

I’d also pick the ending of “About a Girl”. It would’ve been the predictable thing to end the courtroom drama with a stirring speech and the Moclans seeing the error of their ways, but they took a different direction that wasn’t so comfortable.

I lost it at the prayer to Avis... “We try harder.”

Whew, good thing it’s not terrible. We really dodged that bullet!

Krill started out really rough, to the point where my friend almost bailed on it halfway through until I told her that it got much, much better. But that ending, that was some powerful stuff.

This show has really scratched my Star Trek itch in a way Discovery isn’t able to.

“Now I want eggs.”

There hasn’t been nearly as much Orville discussion here as I’d like. It’s not a perfect show, but it’s damn good “light” Trek. I vastly prefer it to Discovery at this point, because this actually feels like Trek. And I’m surprised at the surprising number of weighty moments they’re able to sneak into what’s

You missed two BIG ones for me.