
Too early to start speculating on the next 20? :)

Thanks for asking.

I think I have a cultural blind spot here because I don’t get the Huey Lewis connection, can someone explain to me what’s wrong with HL&tN?

/puts on nerd hat

Former Nice Guy here. One of the hardest things for any human to do is admit they were wrong, and it’s especially difficult when you thought you were doing things right the whole time.

I know this will stay in the grays, buuuuut...

Are we all forgetting Great Green Arkleseizure???

I’d argue it’s both. If the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster can be both a religion and an example of how silly religion is, this can be a commentary and an in movie religion.

We don’t know too much about the religion itself, but its influence has created a Utopian paradise, as well as a peculiar style of slow-motion air guitar.

Now playing

I remember seeing this on USA’s Night Flight back in the day, so it counts as a TV religion:

No love for Bokononism?!?!! Busy busy busy.

Another interesting religion worth mention would be Cabin in the Woods, where apparently horror film tropes are needed in order to appease monsters from beyond. I don’t think it’s ever given a name but I liked how corporate the religion was conveyed.

I do love the idea that the 80s are somehow still the 80s no matter where in the universe you are. Rather like A Knight’s Tale where it was still the 70s, just the 1370s.


But would you have loved a crappy movie about Wonder Woman just because it had a female hero? Lots of people in Hollywood think you would and are rushing to put out those crappy movies assuming that they need nothing else to make you happy.

Christina Hendricks

Because it implies that they think that’s all they need to do. It’s the studio exec who goes and sees Guardians of the Galaxy and decides that Batman V Superman wasn’t the success he thought it was going to be because “people want fun music, put some of that in Suicide Squad!” It implies that people will go see a

My only problem with Erica is that she’s seen squeezing a bottle of Mrs. Butterworth’s, which came in glass bottles until 1999.

Erica playing with He-Man and having him kiss her Barbie was perfect and hilarious. She comes off as smarter than the older kids too. Lots more Erica please.

She stole every scene she was in. It was like you could actually see a star being born. Can’t wait for season 3.