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Right? Because it feels so plausible! I remember a show about a witch kidnapping a librarian and keeping her in a basement and she’d come in and the librarian would read her a story and the whole show was that if the librarian read a good enough story, the witch would let her leave. I thought it was a dream for a long

Candle Cove is one of my favorite Creepypastas. Even though the ending doesn’t freak me out, all the details throughout just gives me the heebies.

She-Hulk wasnt popular UNTIL she became lighthearted and fully in control of her powers.

I mourn the loss of the lighthearted tone, and I'm really not interested in learning to differentiate between all the colors of the Hulk-rainbow (Hulkbow) as they may apply to a gray Jennifer Walters. But hey, it's Jennifer Walters. I'll take that ride.

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You’re a white male

You’re just being a dick with that comment. You have no idea what his skin color is, and it is racist of you to assume that his opinion can only come from a white person (all other races must follow the script don’t you know).

Asking an honest question is not racist.

The idiot of the year = YOU


Jesus Christ, what are you going to complain about next? Green witches? The only clown here is you. And the author.

And you are a misandraist racist (and a fucking idiot) for assuming anyone who doesn’t understand evey nuance of the ever broading “category” of ‘cultural appropriation’ is a white male.

Holy fuck, this is a bad comment.

White male and proud of it!

So in your brain, white men are all bigoted, indifferent creatures incapable of bringing a useful perspective to a conversation about race.

not white, still dont see problem. There are plenty of costumes like this in white skin

Wow, that’s racist. lol his profile has no picture so you have no clue about his ethnicity. I feel triggered......

Jizzebel is leaking.

Slow your Roll SJW.

It is a way to give “cosplaying” children Maui’s tattoos without printing those water-based things on your children from neck to waist and all down the arms. If it were too light-colored (to match other skin-tones) you’d be offended. If it was just the leaf-toga then little boys’ wouldn’t’ve wanted it because the