
BIT O’ TRIVIA: West End Games, the former tabletop gaming publisher perhaps best known for their venerable Star Wars roleplaying game line, also published both Ghostbusters and a Men In Black RPGs. Their Ghostbusters game is one of the funniest things I’ve read, ever; it’s a true masterpiece of the hobby.

BIT O’ TRIVIA: West End Games, the former tabletop gaming publisher perhaps best known for their venerable Star Wars roleplaying game line, also published both Ghostbusters and a Men In Black RPGs. Their Ghostbusters game is one of the funniest things I’ve read, ever; it’s a true masterpiece of the hobby.

I could’ve sworn it was called “principal” photography.

Sean Gunn was in the credits, too, which was really odd. I wonder if he filmed something and they had to cut it just because it ended up feeling out of place (wouldn’t be surprising if this film had a lot of fat to trim).

In West End Games’ absolutely wonderful Star Wars Roleplaying Game, the concept of ‘Force Sensitivity’ was totally a thing, and you didn’t have to have Force powers and/or Jedi training to be Force-sensitive. It was just that, hey, you know, the Force binds the galaxy together, and you get that — you feel that.

[T]he triumphant rocketeer’s future plans include building a “Rockoon,” which sounds like an air-launched rocket that involves a balloon instead of a plane...


Maaaaan, I was hoping the droid would be a nod to Bollux.

...oh. And I remember how, about a month or so after the series premiered, everybody and their brother were running homebrew X-Files RPG campaigns. (Mostly with GURPS, which made all kindsa sense back then.)

When I heard that William Gibson had written an episode (“Kill Switch”, I think?), I was all GYEWW GYEWW GYEWW GIGGITY-GIGGITY GYEWW!

GENUINE, NON-JUDGMENTAL, SINCERE QUESTION: How does a 13-year-old produce a movie? I figure she can bankroll it, but I’d think she’d need a lot more experience to make solid creative decisions and hire the right pros for stuff.

Are you sure it fits the definition of a plot hole?

In my theater, when the silence fell, some dumbass up at the front said, loud and clear:
“Where’s muh sound?”

I would suspect that those people of my generation who were as obsessed with A New Hope, Empire Strikes Back, and Return of the Jedi as I was feel the same—like the Star Wars franchise has been wrested away from them, by taking the focus off the original heroes, by killing Luke off, and by essentially negating the

I’m sorry, no. Doctor Solow’s threads are pure mid-80's SF platinum, and any argument to the contrary shows either a basic misconception of awesomeness, or -at best- suggests that one saw a different episode or something.

Last night’s first new Agents of SHIELD started with my favorite Talking Heads song, then gave me some great dialogue, spaceships, aliens, a bonkers-ass mysterious premise, and a totally WTF reveal. I was, like, “DUDE YES SHIELD”.

First thing I thought of, too!

All astute observations. I will add that “Be Excellent To Each Other and Party On” is really, really good advice.

“Be Excellent To Each Other and Party On” is the closest thing to a religion that I have.

Dude, that kid was aces. Where are they finding all these child actors...?