C’mon, Rob. “Godawful”? There were plenty of those in the 90s, but “Dinosaurs” was NOT ONE OF THEM.
C’mon, Rob. “Godawful”? There were plenty of those in the 90s, but “Dinosaurs” was NOT ONE OF THEM.
Sure looks like it. Which makes me wonder how these stories fit into the ‘canon’ narrative, if at all. Not a big deal to me, though — I’m one of those people who dismisses the prequels in their entirety, so, you know, whatever. I just want a good Star Wars story.
By the way. “A View to a Kill” is possibly the best Bond theme ever, and I say “possibly” because there’s also “The Living Daylights”.
Be advised that any and all conversations about movie-related songs are bound by The Xanadu Accord, which states, in brief:
This is what white people do, everyday in large and small ways to PoC. They antagonize and antagonize and antagonize you, it gives them a sense of false worth to feel better than. It’s their whole persona, being “better than”. “I may be poor, but at least I ain’t a nigger!” White people are fully aware of the…
Yokels is as yokels does, I’d say — poor grammar intentional, for folksiness reasons.
...huh! Kinda full-circle, as -if I recall aright- the original PC game was going to use a variant of Steve Jackson Games’ GURPS system — that being an acronym for Generic Universal Role-Playing System. Ha! Cool.
You win this thread. No one may admit it, but you win this thread.
Cyberpunk 2077 isn’t even an entirely original property, it’s based on a pen-and-paper game from 1990 called Cyberpunk 2020.
I LUUUUUUUUUUUVED these books as a teener/young man (in 1991, I was 17), and only a week ago today got rid of my original, first printings.
Lovecraftian, I can handle. But that shit with the guy on the bikes and the girl and the AWWWW I CAN’T GO ON IT HURTS TO THINK ABOUT IT
Is it less soul-crushingly bleak and depressing than Black Mirror? Please say it’s less soul-crushingly bleak and depressing than Black Mirror. I got two-and-a-third episodes into that thing and had to make a SAN check.
What does it say about me that, at the end of the post-credits tag (consider this a very mild spoiler, if at all), I wanted Brooks to be Brock? I mean, look:
I wanna go on record as having stated on io9 that NIGHT’S BLACK AGENTS IS ONE OF THE BEST RPGS I’VE EVER HAD THE PLEASURE OF READING, which is saying A LOT, because I collect (and actually play!) RPGs the way some people drink water.
I have it, and it’s aces. Aces, I tell you.
Producer Charles Roven says the DCEU will rely heavily on flashbacks and flash-forwards to feel earned, going forward.
I don’t believe in guilty pleasures that aren’t things like “kicking puppies” or “running over old ladies” or other acts of misanthropy and unconscionable chaos. Life’s too short to feel bad that you like Xanadu.
How do you figure it for a spiritual successor to WEG’s game?
Plenty of io9 readers are already obsessed with role-playing games; to you guys, we say take five.
I wanna see political ads that attack candidates for, say, dressing in rubber pants and stading around in water, holding a stick. Or for wearing a shirt with a number on it, and yelling at people on a TV set. “Woodrow J. Terwilliger wants to be your governor...when he’s not busy chasing a little ball into a hole in…