
It is when she can’t attack him and he gets to go around airing negative campaign tactics against her again and again. Sanders hasn’t had a single attack ad run against him. He hasn’t had his feet held to the fire on any of his positions except in that one editorial board interview, which people said was unfair.

“many people view HRC as only slightly left of the GOP”
These “people” clearly have not spent a lot of time looking at the two parties or the candidates.

As a Californian and prior Bernie supporter, I’m actually glad for once that our primaries are dead last because Bernie has shown his true colors as a skin-deep megalomaniac who wouldn’t give an inch to get a mile, giving me time to firmly change my vote pre-emptively.

You think fairness has anything to do with what I’m talking about?

True! That’s what’s so frustrating. He is criticizing a party he doesn’t really belong to. He had the chance to go out on his own as an Independent, yet he took advantage of the very Party apparatus that he is now bemoaning. If things had worked out the way he dreamed, I wonder if he and his followers would be so

Beaten by a woman whose support comes mostly from women and people of color. How dare they?

Let’s see, we have a dude who is splitting the party that he only joined this year simply because he needed to in order to have a realistic shot of being president. I don’t know how old you are but I’m old enough to remember what that shit head Nader did in 2000 and we cannot risk that again. So yeah if Drumpf becomes

Bernie supporter here. He needs to get out. He needs to start unifying the party. He needs to do better messaging w/ regards to his supporters.

When you think about how many people now regret voting for him you gotta think he trails by even more... At this point he just seems like a jerk who would rather risk giving us Trump than call it a day.

I’ve been called a fucking Hillary shill cunt so many times I no longer hesitate before saying what I think.

I didn't vote for Sanders in my primary but I liked the things he said about high minded ideals and grass roots change and a positive, down to earth campaign. Turns out he's just a delusional narcissistic prick only in it for himself and he'd be happy to burn the DNC down for a few more headlines. Time to drop out and

His ego and him being an old, entitled white man who can’t believe he’s being beaten by a woman.

“Let the voters decide! This is not an anointment! Superdelegates shouldn’t matter.”

For all that I admire many of Senator Sanders’s positions, I get the feeling that this is much more about his ego and about his really bad case of Presidential Fever than it is about the integrity of the system. Just tossing the dice and letting the chips fall where they may, with a possible Trump presidency as one of

I will never be a Clinton fan and I voted for Bernie in the state primary. That said, Bernie,

And he criticized the superdelegate system as a whole, saying it allowed Clinton to get crucial support before anyone else was even in the race: “It’s like an anointment.”

This just seems like an exercise in delusion or ego on the part of Sanders. He’s not going to win the nomination. He needs to realize this and start discussing coming together to defeat Trump.

To be fair, there are a lot of feminists (especially from the previous wave) that would agree with him. So, calling what he is saying ‘awful’ probably isn’t fair. I don’t agree with what he’s saying, but that doesn’t make it awful. Awful is what Republicans do when they open their pieholes and pontificate about sex

Why wouldn’t it be on Jezebel?