
I’ll be honest; I don’t read her as a misanthrope, as that would require paying attention to other people. She’s said that she’s not anti-anything, but will argue whatever point she’s been given to argue, and I think that’s actually a fairly accurate and self-aware statement on her part. I think the only “ism” that

When you are purposely trying to get pregnant, seeing other folks get pregnant without trying fucks with your head. Because purposely getting pregnant can take some work. You take fertility tests everyday to see when the optimal time to fuck is, you have to purposely reduce your anxiety levels and that just reminds

Unfortunately, it’s not the case that you need to be an RN to call yourself a midwife. At least in certain states. It’s a real thorn in my side. I’m an RN (not a CNM which is a designation only for midwives with an RN and additional advanced training- specifically a masters in midwifery) and it annoys the hell out of

Hello, wrong. It’s state-by-state licensing, so that may be true in your state, but it’s not the same everywhere, and there are many places where direct-entry midwives (i.e., only very recently required to have so much as a high school education) can fully operate in any kind of homebirth...and babies and women die.

Completely. Like, “you’re dead to me” level of unforgivable. Like, “I see you at family gatherings and I look right through you and don’t even acknowledge that you exist” unforgivable.

Does everyone think Amy is utterly unforgivable for burning Jo’s book, or does she just seem that way to me because I’m a big sister and have written book manuscripts?

Thank you Raquel for kindly expressing your narrative which is that of many trans-women. I also appreciate that you are not denouncing Chimamanda for expressing her thoughts on this topic as you acknowledge the vernacular used was evasive.

Yeah, it was a bit much. She should have cut the opening vid in half or opened with everyone already in position. And her mom bragging on about her kids in the introduction. I get it, you’re really proud of your babies...except I’m not here to see you, Mama Knowles.

I love Beyoncé. I love Lemonade and her albums. I’ve been to concerts of hers. I know all the words.

I think it’s a troll. I would not feed it if I were you, despite the temptation.

This post is Hitler’s wet dream. I am also a regular person with all the same stuff you have, yet I also manage to be able to have some small amount of empathy and compassion.

In most states, all cheese is pasteurized. You can’t sell unpasteurized dairy of any kind in standard retail stores in 37 states. For decades, pregnant women were told they couldn’t have any soft cheeses, even pasteurized ones. The FDA changed its recommendation in 2003, but my friends who’ve had kids in the last

Not really worth the risk albeit however low it may be.

But...everyone should talk to their doctor, do their own research, and make an informed choice. Listeria has been discovered in many foods that are not on the restricted list (spinach, ice cream, hummus), so it’s impossible to avoid completely. A woman could reasonably decide that she is fine with eating deli or

most of the cheese in the us market is pasteurized. this includes feta, gorgonzola, brie etc. especially if its amreican made. basically if its made in the USA its fine, the worry for listeria are european imports b/c they don’t pasteurize milk as standard practice.

There’s no chance that wasn’t on purpose. Pro-level shade.

...short-rib burger blend molded into a sad little meat thing, sitting in the center of a massive, rapidly staling brioche bun, hiding its shame under a slice of melted orange cheese...

Counterpoint: American cheese makes the BEST grilled cheese, and you are wrong!

I can tell you that “Inbred People Playing with Knives, Ends Poorly For the Ginger One” is something that happens around my white family quite often.