
I like to consider myself above believing in any celeb gossip, but I. LOVE. THIS.

Hmm ... It's almost as if men have this entire system set up in such a way that they can never lose. But i'm just a paranoid feminazi so what do i know!?

Fair point!

"Is this one about feelings?". "Is it about love or something?".

He's going to let her watch him battle robots?! Fuck off Bennet!

Yes but witty, humorous people never rape. They just don't.

Another student tweeted that he'd recently seen the alleged rapist "and I can definitively say that he is innocent."

You are disgusting and i want this to happen to you "Brian."

It's only tacky if you're a poor.

That's the plan.

They only want it banned because feminism is growing. Just trying their hardest to keep it a bad word. I would never have considered myself a feminist in my teens or early twenties, simply because what i thought i knew about it was wrong. And while Jezebel has many faults, this site, among others, is the reason my 15

The tinfoil manufacturing companies must be in overdrive these days.

I have never wanted cosmetic surgery before but this is something i would actually consider getting done. That is if i wasn't deathly afraid of any type of surgery.

You need more meat in your diet. Weirdo.

Walking through Rome is sometimes like walking through a building site. Expect lots of catcalls and wolf-whistles.

I will never understand when some women complain that the older they get, the more invisible they seem to become to the opposite sex.

"I didn't want to offend any athlete with my words."

This doesn't seem fake to anyone? Just me?

Beyonce all day everyday?

So many teeth. So many ...