A female what?
A female what?
Counterpoint to your counterpoint ... The story is fake. They all are.
She is white.
I have a feeling that Charlotte will entertain us for years to come. I know she’s only a toddler, but that girl is a wild one!
A pillow on a bed you say? That’s not where a pillow goes.
You are so #teamkaty.
When she says the whole world, she’s talking about white girls/white women.
Their definitely pro-life though. That’s gotta count for something, right?
Odo from DeepSpace 9!!
Apart from Jon.
Same with Kit Harrington. Although he always seems to get a pass. But GOT is full of wooden actors!
25 year olds being used to sell anti-wrinkle cream makes sense. You’re supposed to start using this particular product before you get wrinkles. Even though it complete bullshit!
Right? It's supposed to impact him.
Wtf does him not have any previous criminal record have anything to do with his sentencing? This woman was still raped!!! What have the two got to do with each other?
Are you ok?
Oh My God ... I have that exact same knife!!! How wierd is that!?
I love this girl. Adore watching her on screen and yes, there is absolutely something magnetic about her. Her and Saoirse are my favourites in terms of facial structure and on screen presence.
And don’t forget the rest of the world. Top sheets seem to be a solely American thing. Philistines!!!
Exactly. Women in burka’s all over the middle east are raped everyday so clearly it’s not the clothing, or lack of that is the problem. Men are the problem!