
I'm someone who's ribs protrude. Especially when lying down. So this mannequin doesn't look odd to me. And i would have no problem with this if mannequins were skinny, slim, curvy, plus size. But their not. Their always skinny. So unless stores are willing to accommodate all sizes then yeah, these should be taken down.

Oh i meant what i said. The Catholic church will never change. The only reason the current Pope is allowed to say the things he says is because Catholicism is dying. And the Vatican knows this. Their desperate. All they want is bums on seats at mass. They will say anything to get people back inside, once their the

I think it's working in getting young people interested in Catholicism again. But they will never change their practices and policies. EVER! In my country (Ireland), child abuse was the final nail in the coffin for the Catholic church. The Vatican has done pretty much nothing in the way of completely owning up to the


Oh i agree that he does seem slightly more in touch with modern society but i can't help feeling it's all an act. Like the Vatican is trying to attract the younger generation back to Catholicism by any means necessary. The things this pope has said and the way he has acted would not have been allowed even 20 years ago

Spoken like a true christian :)

Well as long as their considering negotiating, that should be enough.

The Pope is not cool. The Catholic church is attempting to appear like they want to drag themselves into the 21st century. But in reality, they still 100% believe in that the world belongs in the 14th century. Beneath it all is the same oppression, misogyny, homophobia, racism and just straight up back-word thinking.… This is the link. (Took me ages to figure out i only need to copy and paste) :/ As far as i can tell it's a blog written by someone called JizzLee and provides links to fem porn.

So you're more imaginative then most of us i'd say. And fuck anyone who says you need to be more accepting of your sexuality. You like what you like.

Is it certain types of porn you don't like or all porn?

Someone posted a link up thread. Haven't a clue how to post links myself but just google "jizzLee".

Well Shae is a whore in Kings Landing which means she has to do whatever it takes to survive. Not excusing it, but i understand why she did it.

It's a realistic way to live.

I think i am a cynic because i don't really believe people can change. Not deep down anyway. You are who you are. But yeah, i guess if he has at least stopped acting like a dick well that's all we can ask for ;) But i'll never look at Stan the same way again.

If this were a post about gender then i would agree with you. But it's not. It's about rape/rape culture. For the record Brina, yes i do think trans women are real women and i have no idea of the discrimination these women face daily but again, nobody2016 is a troll. A well known troll at that. I do NOT care about his

And what if i am wrong about nobody2016? So what? A known MRA with numerous accounts that continuously likes to troll Jezebel anytime a post about rape culture comes up, and you expect his feelings to be spared. NOPE! Funny how the people who reject the term feminism are usually the loudest in telling feminists how

Lol. Why should i feel like an ass? I don't believe nobody2016 is a woman. Trans or otherwise. He is a known MRA.

Ya you're right. I shouldn't continue arguing about his gender. It's counterproductive and trollish. Point taken.

Whatever you need to tell yourself guy ;)