Of course you think it's bullshit. You're a guy. You just wouldn't understand what it's like to be a woman. A real woman.
Of course you think it's bullshit. You're a guy. You just wouldn't understand what it's like to be a woman. A real woman.
Only women have women's intuition so whatever it is you're feeling, it aint that. Sorry dude :(
Woman's intuition.
But underneath it all he's a giant dick. And this saddens me :( Oh Stan ...
Sure you're a woman. Suuuure ...
I would think once the Androids become sentient.
Eh, Courtney, Russell Brand flirts with anyone/anything that makes eye contact.
nom nom indeed ...
You're welcome :)
It's pronounced Seer-shuh or Sir-sha.
I really cannot understand her thought process. Did she talk it over with somebody (her husband?) about suing the family of the boy she killed? Seriously though, what mental gymnastics did she have to do in order to become the victim? If i were related to her, i would be mortified.
Agreed. And the people that do care about fashion always have a comment about what you're wearing. And it's usually negative. I'll even go as far as to say us non fashion people are better human beings all 'round ... ;)
I bawled my eyes out when Thomas died. Such a great movie.
How long did it take you to report your assault?
Aww. Poor Buno ... lol
Ryan Gosling.
Phew. That's good. 'Cos for a minute there you had me wondering who on Earth finds male minds attractive ;)
I also miss him :(
I really appreciate it when men work on their bodies. My favourite part of a mans body has to be his stomach. A nice hard flat stomach. Mmmm ...
My friends niece's name is "Anarchy Saoirse" and then their last name. But they have always called her Ana.