
Well if women are hosts, then the clump of cells residing in their wombs are parasites.

Wow. That's really shitty behaviour. Do you find it's like this all the time with no make-up on? I never had a discussion with my friend about her make-up routine. I mean it's her business. But i really hope she has never experienced this.

I don't wear make-up at all except for when i'm going to the pub on weekends. And even then it's minimal. But weekdays...nope. Don't get me wrong, i make sure i'm presentable, as in showered, teeth brushed and hair combed but other than that i don't give it a second thought. But my best friend wears make-up everyday

Is there a reason she is covering her breasts? I mean ... really Farrah?

Never underestimate extreme narcissism.

Yes he could rape again. Are there mandatory treatments for rapists in prison because if not, hey guess what, he's going to rape again when he gets out. Which will be in under 5 years. Nothing you say, and i mean nothing can excuse what is being done to this woman.

I think you mean .. "science."

You keep saying you understand what the victim is going through. But it's clear you don't. You cannot say that you empathize with someone who was violated while agreeing/participating in a second violation. I know the end goal of the prosecutors is a righteous one, but righteousness means nothing if you victimize to

Sparing her feelings? Spoken by someone who clearly has never been raped. If/when she has to stand up in court to give evidence, trust me on this, her feelings will not be spared. I completely disagree with you on this. What the prosecutors are doing is wrong and while i do not have the answers, this is definitely not

Again no. That is not what i am saying at all. You said that without victim/witness testimony, this rapist/rapists are going to walk free. I agree on this. But this is not a reason/excuse to arrest a rape victim and lock her up without her consent. Victims of rape and sexual assault very rarely come forward to press

Until it happens to you.

No. I am not saying why bother with a witness. I am saying that "hollydolly" shouldn't use witnesses not showing up as a reason to lock up rape victims.

Wait. Did you read what i actually wrote? I was responding to "hollydolly". She stated that if witnesses do not show up the rapist walks free. But we all know that even when witnesses do show up, the majority of the time rapists walk free anyway, so her example should not be used as an excuse for locking up a rape

Witnesses show up all the time and rapists still walk free.

Oh god Miley, we get it..Look at me, Look at me. Ok we looked. Now fuck off!

Unfortunately, doctors like that do exist. If you have the money, then they will do whatever you want. No questions asked. Perhaps she uses the same surgeon that worked on Jocelyn Wildenstein.

No. But when someone puts themselves repeatedly and unnecessarily under the knife, then yes.

I would assume/hope all plastic surgery is elective. But when an individual has repeated unnecessary invasive surgery year after year then yes, i would say that individual has an underlying mental illness.

Do you think it is the responsibility of strangers on the internet to try and stop her?

Because she self mutilates. Or in her case she pays a lot of money for someone to do it for her.