You know who dates 30 year old women? - 25 year old men. Go for it :)
You know who dates 30 year old women? - 25 year old men. Go for it :)
Do on duty police women wear stiletto heels? No. Do women in combat? No. Do dancers who are on stage for an hour? Yes.
I like this.
It really would be interesting to see his conviction rate for sexual predators.
Misogynistic women frighten me much more than their male counterparts.
They've been doing that anyway.
I like the cut of your jib.
Yup. Michael was pure talent. We'll never see anyone like him again.
Alcide? Are you there? I wanted to thank you. To thank you for being topless in almost every scene you were in. I'm going to miss you the most :(
Ewww, your room-mates with a republican?? ;)
So what he's trying to say is if i am raped i should not blame it on the sunshine, not the moonlight either, nor all those good times, i should blame it on the boogie? Thanks old man :)
As well as a good sunblock you should take a little umbrella with you. I use an umbrella in the sun all the time :)
I'm always in the grey. I have a feeling it's because i keep changing my screen name :/
Why post this drivel? Today of all days :(
"Sunday Sign Off"?? Doug...i think you're still drunk from the night before ;0)
This is what happens when your parents are related.
The woman who wrote this might have a vagina but she is a massive dick!
"She can't stop eating". Someone should tell the writers of this trash that you're not supposed to stop eating. Otherwise you die.'re a mean girl :(
Oh her skin. Her perfect skin. Dammit!