
Nom nom nom

I just threw up in my mouth a little.

Honestly no. I'm ashamed to say i have no idea of the names of any less white-centric fem blogs. It does seem that you either get majority white sites or majority black sites but never equally mixed. And i only know womanist blogs exist because of the odd comment i have read here on Jez but have never looked them up.

Come on now WOC. You should know better by now. Jez is solely for us white feminists. If you have any complaints or want other feminists to hear what you're saying then i would suggest posting to your womanist blogs. I mean jeez...why won't you let us have nice things #SolidarityIsForWhiteWomen

Success means different things to different people. And while her life might not seem all that great to you, for "Stacey" it could be the happiest she has been in her life. But yeah, the shit that happens in childhood stays with you forever. If it were me, i would press delete. You never have to hear from her again

Finally! Well, so long Jez. It's been good but i've found something better x

What is up with Donald Trumps face? His mouth seems to be constantly open as if he has something important to say. Is it to draw attention away from his hair? I mean my god...that hair. UGGGGHHH!

The bride pays for everything except the hen party which is paid for by the bridesmaids.

Verbal diarrhea.

Or men are devolved ;)

She was in Paris a few tears ago and walked into a high end boutique only to be told by the manager to leave because, and i quote "We have been having trouble with some Nigerians lately".

Martha Jones? Is that you?


Yes please :)


Sharon Stone...WOW!

That wine spa thingy. Do you actually drink the watery wine that you and dozens of strangers are soaking in? Please tell me that's not how it works.

Is there room for Rihanna?

Women's magazine's always have and always will be the worst!

Is circumcision just a Jewish tradition or are most American boys circumcised whether Jewish or not?