
Catholic and Coptics n other orthodox religiobs were the first Christians. So l dont get the gaul of Protestants when they say Catholucs are not Christian.

And they didn’t even need Mexicans to pay for the two walls. ;)

Obviously I have to preface this by saying the content in question here isn’t my cup of tea. But when it comes to peoples’ kinks, my philosophy is “live and let live” as long as real people aren’t being hurt and I don’t have to be subjected to it.

I knew I’d found the right dentist when he warned me that the novocaine shot was “gonna fucking hurt.”

+1 see my story ;)

When I was getting my vasectomy the Urologist was about to give me a shot in my scrotum (not sure of what) but he said it would feel like a “little bee sting”. Hurt like hell and I was high on about 3 valium, when I announced that I had NEVER been bee stung there. I had him and the nurse in tears laughing. True story

For some men, Viagra doesn’t work or work that well. When that’s the case, the urologists prescribes Caverject or something similar. It’s administered by a needle in the side of the cock. An erection occurs within minutes (as opposed to 30-45 minutes for Viagra to take effect) and can last for over an hour. In other

“Now you’re going to feel a small prick in your mouth.”

Trump Thumping:

Well sure.

Autoerotic segregationism

Or Beanie Babies.

Yes, I should think about it. You can’t visit every wild spot. Some useful stuff for teaching as well.

Because being a right wing douche-nozzle is not a protected class of people?

The company notes that you can mark your do’s and don’ts “with the swipe of a finger.”

Pleas tell me they’re going to call the app Finger Bang.

I would have thought Right Said Fred.

Little Monsters... sigh.

...or they are huge fans of Wonder Years star Fred Savage. I mean, who didn’t appreciate his work in The Wizard? Or his underrated performance in The Princess Bride? He made Peter Falk look like a bum.

I can’t wait for season 2, as well, which will cover my favorite books. The downside is that I’ll be left hoping season 3 finds a way to fix the frustrations I had with the last few books (a little too much plot not enough comedy).

Uggghhhh. Going red would kill me. The yellow lights already hurt my eyes. In my house, we get all 5000k to 6000k lights (“cool” “daylight” “blue” whatever you want to call it). I know people complain about that color, but when you go with those color temperatures, you don’t need as bright of a light —- so instead of