
I dislike the idea of forefronting personal tragedy as a way to sell games.

Well said.

I know this doesn’t really have anything to do with the Dem debate tonight. But, I happened across this while reading this article, and was just too good to not share.

“I like my keyboard and mouse as much as the next guy, but they suck to use while sitting on a couch no matter what you do.”
Thaaaaaaank you. I cannot stand trying to play an FPS on the damn couch. No good place to put the mouse!

Or talked to pigeons...

I don’t see stunning, I see dated graphics with purple and green. The Witcher was stunning, WoW hasn’t been in ages.

Well, that was a good year or so back, so maybe I’ll need to really use my data over the next month and see what happens.

Exactly this and is bad is it would be nuclear warfare wouldn’t necessarily end all mankind. We’re the fucking cockroaches of the Earth. We’d survive.

If you’re open, I’m ordering. I don’t care about your preferences.

Nexus devices aren’t affected anyway because their kernels were all compiled with Android’s default kernel configuration, which doesn’t have the CONFIG_KEYS variable enabled. Anything running Lollipop or Marshmallow should be safe, too, since Google started fully enforcing SELinux in 5.0, negating the attack vector.

Now playing

I hit play and was disappointed: this is Hellmarch.

I don’t think it sucks if we don’t take it too seriously. It’s fun to muse about the possibilities. I also think it’s healthy to be a little skeptical about any certainties we come up with. My comment to @unlocked was half in jest even though it may be true. He seems to have a course in mind and has set sail. I wish

Japan has trains going between distant cities and towns. Admittedly, the square mileage of Japan is small, but their distances approach what we’d see on either coast in the U.S. It has taken serious amounts of capital to get to that point. Their mass transit could be a model to connect San Diego to Seattle and Florida

Oh. Hmm. If I ever get a copy of the game I might have to remember to get in touch with you about this. Because it looks cool but the social aspect of the game makes me want to avoid it.

Sense of entitlement. It’s why I try to be nice to the operators for utility companies when I pay my bills. They get to be the shot messenger on a daily basis.

The next few years will be just as hard for DarkShadows. Either a woman is going to be presidenting instead of fixing him a sammich, or a Jew will be in the White House instead of doing work that makes him free.

Oh, very true. Yeah, at least they don’t hate science.

I held out till the old lady is talking about her family member getting killed, then thought. “That sounds like a Death Wish plot...and even if that happened to your relative in 18-whateveryear, the description wouldn’t sound like a Death Wish plot in 18-whateveryear. So either the script just flopped really hard

I watched The Village in my town’s dilapidated old theater, and because I was sitting in the back row, condensation from the AC dripped onto my neck during one of the tense parts. I still remember that as the scariest part of the whole movie.

I have 6 Unifi AC’s in my house. They’re really amazing. 100% uptime and easy as shit to config. Best Ap’s i’ve ever seen.