
We run the Ubiquiti unifi’s at our car shop, lake house and at times, the racetrack when the network there is questionable. It really shines at the lake house as there are 3 houses quite far apart and it allows everyone to be on the same network. There is signal even into the lake but why you would be on your cell if

Thanks for the comprehensive reply! just off out now so I’ll read it properly later :)

So true. It will be -40 in Hell before we ever agree on anything.

The cheapest Harmony controls all I need except my Wii. Bummer. I haven’t missed the bluetooth on my Roku 3 yet.

True, but if it comes free with the TV I will not complain.

The detergent cartel is strong. They’re coming for you. I’ve already said too much.

The high end models come with an adapter that connects with Bluetooth devices. You can by a an adapter if you own the mid-range models. I can control my TV, Receiver, DVR, and 4 Consoles with mine.

Thanks. Even if they just put a little pricing pressure on Logitech, that wouldn’t be too bad either.

I’d love this option too, but I suspect the answer is “space” and “reduced cost” which are both major selling points of dish/clothes washing machines.

Pretty much the same here. The only reason I use Hangouts is so I can message people on my computer.

Form Over Function = Bad Design

FWIW your delivery was better.

Or, you could just not have kids you cannot afford.

How do you know what Tasty Wheat tasted like?

So you get Gig to the box, then 100MB/s connection to your devices. AWESOME!

You’re certainly entitled to your opinion, but I have a pair of these headphones and I can assure you that the sound quality is unparalleled and the nose is redolent of cassis and tobacco, with distinct notes of leather, plum, and just a hint of peppery smoke. These headphones are listening great right now, and with

Ha, and they’re not unaware of that; members of an audiophile forum that I used to frequent welcome new users with “Sorry about your wallet!”

To be fair, vacuuming, dusting and polishing are things the cleaner should do. But doing dishes, consolidating your garbages and picking up you shit so it’s out of the way is some legit base level adult maintenance.

Or if there’s WiFi...

So, for these supposed rights we have just by existing... where do they come from?