
Totally fair! I amend my opening statement: As if Bitcoin wasnt POINTLESS enough not even the creator of it wants to be associated to it.

You are the only one who seems to understand how things work on this thread...I posted about the same thing above before reading this post. Restored a small bit of my faith in the Kotaku readership...

Eh, it’s not impossible.

Ohhh my mistake. I thought you were saying that as a non-O- person lamenting that we have some kind of advantage. Carry on.

Haha yeah, I don’t want to see it coming out in a tube either, so I always look away. Don’t want to take the risk.

Same here. I nearly pass out just getting a tiny blood sample drawn during an ordinary physical exam blood test. There’s no way that I could sit there for minutes while it was draining out without ending up covered in blood in the fetal position on the floor. I can’t even get one paragraph into an article on WebMD or

I like to think of it as being a renewable resource. 6 billion blood factories walking around, and we still have trouble keeping the stuff in stock... so I try to do my part.

I know....I am O- myself.

Unfortunately there are people who hold on as hard as they can to ideas that they feel are important to their beliefs, but are inconsequential. I have heard people say things along the lines of “Well if you believe the world WASN’T literally created in 6 days, you don’t believe the Bible!”.

Yeah, as a native Floridian I feel the same about Rubio. What a yutz

Oh, get a life ;-)

i feel you! i'm not hating on suburbs per se.

In my experience, people who are easily bored tend to be boring people.


You can't tell me what to- no, you know what, I'm gonna give you this one.

I just thought it was funny :D

Yup, I 100% agree.

He invented the game show Jeopardy.

Was not aware of that. I will have to check it out. I am perfectly happy with a 22 inch screen. I know I am in the minority, but I find the larger one just too big. Heck, I only have a 32 inch TV and find it plenty big enough.