
I started watching DBZ in English and I can't watch it any other way. Well, except for Abridged..

Thank you for this...

I'm sorry, but you can't expect an audio-plebeian, who connects his computer to a paltry old Onkyo amp with a 20€ bellwire to know what's the crucially important part of a proper Hi-Fi setup.

that is my current setup at home. Google chrome is not for the people using celeron processors and dial up modems...get with the times people!

For sure. The only thing I can assume is that they have a clause in the fine print that says "prices may change w/o notice" which is also very common.

Seriously. Just look at the difference in online content from 15, 10, and 5 years ago. In another 5, it will be even more demanding. No there are not a lot of 4k TVs right now, but in 5 years there will be a ton, and the content to match.

I am willing to bet that the limitation of our internet access is holding back a

I kind of agree, but I think that's because there's a dissonance with the American system. Servers where I am from often make minimum wage or not far above. Tipping helps bump that up to living wage. However, minimum wage is a hell of a lot higher than it seems to be in many parts of the US. And/or there's some weird

Trini <3 sigh... :(
R.I.P. Thuy Trang

Fair enough.

I love them, lets do it. It's time to kiss the old white men goodbye.

Oh, yes, the "internal sdcard" thing was a nightmare, and served no real purpose other than making it impossible (without root) to actually put apps on the physical SD card. A lot of confusion would have been avoided if all that space just went to a bigger /data partition instead.

Thanks for the advice buddy! :) Even though those are obviously way out of my league, I understand that as a poor peasant with no jobs going, and the fact I am a struggling Music Producer, that I will never get to live out my dreams, because Life does that to some folk, I just happen to be one of them. I am content

The news footage says the "swatter" faces up to a year in jail, which in Washington State indicates a gross misdemeanor (RCW 9a.20.021).

Yeah, the consoles just can't serve up games like the PC can, in my opinion.

Oh ok, not being a vocaloid explains a lot then. Thanks for that clarification and the extra info!