
I imagine the actual future will involve more of a removal of non-self-driving cars from public roadways or self-driving cars getting their own lanes/streets kind of deal.

Wouldn’t defaming someone with a doctored video be, I don’t know... libelous and something that could be taken to court legally?

We should have both term limits in every governmental position and age limits.  People in positions of power also need to be in touch with the way the modern world is, not some geriatric person who was probably alive during the world wars and has no concept of the modern world except that people need to turn their

“Our future”, as in the future of this country, doesn’t rely on us. It apparently relies upon the tiny groups of people littered throughout nowhere in every state rather... since they are the ones who apparently get to decide who is elected (and is put in charge of the future of the country) rather than the larger

I might be more inclined to say that they have lost both important people in the company and have failed to stay in touch with their fanbase.

I know what Dominionists are, I literally pointed out that Rick Perry was one? In the comment you replied to?

While the most populated parts of Texas are quickly becoming blue, sadly with the way things work the incredibly unpopulated portions of the state have far more control than we do. For some reason. For some stupid fucking reason. Texas falls under the tyranny of the vast minority.

I do not condone violence. I do not wish for bad things to happen to people.

My neighbor voted for him.

My neighbor has a sign for Cruz in his yard.

If I had Bill Gates levels of money, I would definitely do this kind of random crap.

To be fair, if I wanted a chicken biscuit, I would probably go to Whataburger. Their honey butter chicken biscuit is pretty damned awesome.

It should be the English Muffin, based upon the nutrition info on McDonald’s website.

I think you mean xXx_SSJNukaCold_xXx

Well, to be fair, what well-known inventor from that time (or now) wasn’t/isn’t a liar who had/has good PR?

And some historians think the elephant was killed as a part of the “elephant wars” between circuses that was going on at that time.

Google, I may slightly defend some of the other stupid shit you do... but not this.

I thought I made it pretty clear this entire time that I have no problems with people calling me something stupid like that?

Or I will because I don’t give a shit what you think.

I did not make that claim, I simply said it happens and that it was a legal responsibility.