The food industry is a customer service industry in its entirety. If the restaurant is not willing to, you know, serve the customer... then it is not the customer who is wrong. Whether fine dining or the garage burger joint down the street.
The food industry is a customer service industry in its entirety. If the restaurant is not willing to, you know, serve the customer... then it is not the customer who is wrong. Whether fine dining or the garage burger joint down the street.
It is not a matter of being “challenged”. I am not going to spend a decent chunk of change on something I know, for a fact, I will not like. Something that will actually make me feel just a little sick to my stomach just looking at it.
Buddy, nobody can have more experience in your taste buds than you. If you don’t like medium-rare then that is the wrong way to cook it for you. Experience is irrelevant when the person who eats it fucking hates it.
“How it should be”.
Which is more disrespectful...
The taste of a professional is still entirely their own... just because they find it excellent does not mean someone else does.
The concept of “wrong” doesn’t even exist when it comes to taste. If the “right” method tastes like shit to someone, then what the hell makes it “right”? That someone else likes it? That is just bonkers.
“How do you know what a witch would say?!”
Not Ted Cruz, you say?
There are “abandoned bases” with those Whispering Eggs on many planets. Just use some Navigation Data with your Signal Booster to find, uh.. I believe it is under Distress Signals. Should come across one eventually. Might be Habitable Signals, I forget.
I find what the restaurant did to be perfectly acceptable and quite reasonable.
Why would you think a restaurant wouldn’t have cameras everywhere just like any other business? They have to protect against the same kinds of people, too.
Cool jackets, I am just surprised they are finally showing Vegeta in SSG mode.
Those are hardly the only companies that make decent routers.
The greatest dog, objectively, is one that lives at least 100 miles out of audible range. Another continent entirely would be preferable.
Right? Big difference between putting basically unnoticeable bible verses in obscure locations while treating your employees very well and treating your employees like McDonald’s while funding homosexual oppression.
“Star Citizen” is never going to come out. I am sure something will eventually be released... but it definitely won’t be the “Star Citizen” that people were promised.
Oh, good, not just me then.
I might compress that list into “Fuck people”, myself.
First season, tenth episode. Plays near the end of the episode.