
Poseidon? Get with the times, man. It is all about Neptune now.

And if they aren’t happy, a modest fee can fix that problem wink wink.

Steak is probably my least favorite way to eat beef. Just give me a burger or some other beef dish instead.

I feel the same way... but in reverse. Medium to medium-well, erring towards well, is my preferred type. Anything less and it gets sent back because the texture of undercooked meat is fucking horrendous. I would rather eat it well done than anything close to rare or medium rare. I can fix that with some kind of sauce,

Probably oil.

i would say that the Young Earth Creationism variant is right there with it at the least.

Iron age numbskulls. It was written during the iron age (as far as we can tell from the copies we have).

South Carolina and Florida are lost causes, but Texas is working towards becoming a reasonable place. It will take some more years, but it is going to happen. We just need some more decent people living in the rural areas and it is done and done.

Hell, they have two walls. One in the real world and one on the internet. So far ahead.

First, I don’t think you really used abhorrent right. Second, the history of Christianity says otherwise very, very strongly.

This entire article is because David doesn’t want people to know he watches The Thick of It. It wasn’t him, man!

The big news about it will be that they dropped the Creation engine and licensed a decent, modern engine from a company who knows how to make a decent, modern engine.

I have bought $5 chinese mice on Amazon that fit the hand better than that abomination.

I like my keyboard with Kailh Brown switches, myself. Popped on some of those silicone sound dampening O rings and it is the best keyboard I have ever used.

Good router but, at the same time, I am quite happy to have dropped it in favor of an Eero when they came out.

Good router but, at the same time, I am quite happy to have dropped it in favor of an Eero when they came out.

Oddly, as a white guy, I have gotten 4 of those directed at me.

I sincerely hope that wherever we are in 10 years we are not relying upon such an awful, inefficient system for payments.

One might argue that the “luckiest” stunt pilot would not have had their engine die in the first place...

I look forward to Call of Duty: The Tank Wars

So, we should do nothing because you can’t think of anything to do.