
Before I can even consider being interested, I have to know... is it jump scares masquerading as horror or is it actual horror?

I like the way you think.

I am with you. I didn’t laugh once. It was the epitome of stupid and boring, for me.

The only list Five Guys belongs at the top of is “Top 10 Most Bland Burgers”. Their fries are only acceptable (not great, acceptable) when well-done.

There isn’t anything wrong with not having a tv, it is only a method of consuming entertainment after all. It is hardly the only one. I spend more time reading than watching TV.

I dunno, according to this, cheetahs are a lot better than “above average” for decent sized predator.

An absolute stone cold killer. Like a deadly, desert dwelling house cat.

I buy the relatively small amount of music I like and keep a digital copy stored on Google Play Music since I do most of my listening in the car, so quality is less of a factor than having access to all of my music at any time without worrying about storage on my device.

My least favorite thing about Monster Hunter World.

According to the most recent episode of Big Cats, “she hits her target 60% of the time” in regards to the Black-footed Cat.

For predator animals, even a 60% success rate is pretty great.

The ending to FFX relegated it to my third most disliked of the series. Second is FFVII and first is the entire FFXIII trilogy.

I watched a single episode of it and... it was the dumbest show I have ever watched. I didn’t laugh once.

The weird thing is sometimes a port by the same company will run amazing... but the next one will be complete shit.

You would like to imagine that, and so would I, but then I remember these same people elected the people in power right now and...

You could just use something like Telegram and get friends to join it. Then you can talk to anyone regardless of their phone OS... or even through their desktop/laptop.

Yeah. Even when we had a governor that literally tried to pray for rain (dumb motherfucker), we still weren’t as bad as Mississippi or Alabama and the like.

I just want to say that isn’t a very good insult. You could fit a piece of sand into the grand canyon, after all. It says nothing about what he doesn’t know.

Now, to be fair, the side effects of the flu vaccine can be, for some people, very mild forms of some of the symptoms of the flu. Like mild aches and a slight fever.

I assume some sort of entertainment as you watch people fight against you.