
Oh my god, can you people go one fucking minute without sexually harassing someone?

Well, if you managed to beat them, I think that says everything about how “talented” they really were.

I would guess it is an optimization thing. The game already bogs down hard as you get more and more people in the park, perhaps variable speeds would make it worse?

In what world is Cars 2 better than Cars 3? I mean, they are both bottom of the barrel Pixar movies but... well, I mean come on, 2 has Secret Agent Mater. The near absence of Mater in 3 makes 3 objectively superior.

I love the books and the show. Can’t wait for season 2.

The evokers made things so much more interesting.

Yeah, us regular people have had a bad problem with referring to global warming as climate change and vice versa, making the issue more confusing than it should be. I suspect it is done purposefully by the crowd that has a vested interest in people thinking it isn’t real... though I can’t prove it.

Yeah, see... except what I said is accurate.

I don’t agree. I don’t think they would quit and I don’t believe that this is a “fact”.

I tried to like this game. I started it up several times but the combat just... didn’t do it for me. I didn’t like it at all.

It has been called climate change since the 50's... because global warming isn’t the same thing.

Wait, what? Climate Change and Global Warming were used to describe two different things. Climate Change was used in the 50's. Decades before either of the Bush administrations.

Viruses aren’t the only method of exploiting issues in a piece of software, you know.

There is a reason I didn’t say virus and said exploit instead.

The problem doesn’t need to go away because it simply can’t go away. If companies all dropped Windows and moved to Chrome OS, you can bet that the amount of exploits targeting Chrome OS would explode in number... that is just how it works out.

The majority of those viruses are irrelevant, first of all.

Well, to be fair, look at the competition...

iOS has had its share of malicious software for it and Chrome OS is not immune to exploitation either.

If they had been doing it all along, do you really think those people would just quit a job that pays pretty decent for something that wasn’t under their control?

And I have a Nexus 6 sitting in front of me that runs no worse than the day I bought it.